Mark D. Garfinkel

1993-2000 Biology Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States 
 2001-2012 Environmental Health Sciences University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health 
 2012-2013 Biological Sciences The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, United States 
"Mark Garfinkel"


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Jason S. Wolfe research assistant 1977-1980 Wesleyan
Elliot M Meyerowitz grad student 1980-1988 Caltech (Plant Biology Tree)
Anthony P. Mahowald post-doc 1988-1993 Chicago
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Cingolani P, Cao X, Khetani RS, et al. (2013) Intronic non-CG DNA hydroxymethylation and alternative mRNA splicing in honey bees. Bmc Genomics. 14: 666
Ruden DM, Chen L, Possidente D, et al. (2009) Genetical toxicogenomics in Drosophila identifies master-modulatory loci that are regulated by developmental exposure to lead. Neurotoxicology. 30: 898-914
Ruden DM, Jamison DC, Zeeberg BR, et al. (2008) The EDGE hypothesis: epigenetically directed genetic errors in repeat-containing proteins (RCPs) involved in evolution, neuroendocrine signaling, and cancer. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 29: 428-44
Lee S, Garfinkel MD. (2000) Characterization of Drosophila OVO protein DNA binding specificity using random DNA oligomer selection suggests zinc finger degeneration. Nucleic Acids Research. 28: 826-34
Garfinkel MD, Wang J, Liang Y, et al. (1994) Multiple products from the shavenbaby-ovo gene region of Drosophila melanogaster: relationship to genetic complexity. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 14: 6809-18
Garfinkel MD, Lohe AR, Mahowald AP. (1992) Molecular genetics of the Drosophila melanogaster ovo locus, a gene required for sex determination of germline cells. Genetics. 130: 791-803
Hofmann A, Garfinkel MD, Meyerowitz EM. (1991) cis-acting sequences required for expression of the divergently transcribed Drosophila melanogaster Sgs-7 and Sgs-8 glue protein genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 11: 2971-9
Cherbas L, Beneš H, Bourouis M, et al. (1986) Structural and functional analysis of some moulting hormone-responsive genes from Drosophila Insect Biochemistry. 16: 241-248
Meyerowitz EM, Crosby MA, Garfinkel MD, et al. (1985) The 68C glue puff of Drosophila. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 50: 347-53
Garfinkel MD, Pruitt RE, Meyerowitz EM. (1983) DNA sequences, gene regulation and modular protein evolution in the Drosophila 68C glue gene cluster. Journal of Molecular Biology. 168: 765-89
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