Chuck Dearolf

"Chuck Dearolf"
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Baksa K, Parke T, Dobens LL, et al. (2002) The Drosophila STAT protein, stat92E, regulates follicle cell differentiation during oogenesis. Developmental Biology. 243: 166-75
Myrick KV, Dearolf CR. (2000) Hyperactivation of the Drosophila Hop jak kinase causes the preferential overexpression of eIF1A transcripts in larval blood cells. Gene. 244: 119-25
Yan R, Luo H, Darnell JE, et al. (1996) A JAK-STAT pathway regulates wing vein formation in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 5842-7
Yan R, Small S, Desplan C, et al. (1996) Identification of a Stat gene that functions in Drosophila development. Cell. 84: 421-30
Topol J, Dearolf CR, Prakash K, et al. (1991) Synthetic oligonucleotides recreate Drosophila fushi tarazu zebra-stripe expression. Genes & Development. 5: 855-67
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1990) Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu (ftz) Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 12: 109-13
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1989) The caudal gene product is a direct activator of fushi tarazu transcription during Drosophila embryogenesis. Nature. 341: 340-3
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1989) Transcriptional control of Drosophila fushi tarazu zebra stripe expression. Genes & Development. 3: 384-98
Dearolf CR, Hersperger E, Shearn A. (1988) Developmental consequences of awdb3, a cell-autonomous lethal mutation of Drosophila induced by hybrid dysgenesis. Developmental Biology. 129: 159-68
Biggs J, Tripoulas N, Hersperger E, et al. (1988) Analysis of the lethal interaction between the prune and Killer of prune mutations of Drosophila. Genes & Development. 2: 1333-43
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