Barbara H. Jennings

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
transcriptional regulation, segmentation
"Barbara Jennings"
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Bar-Cohen S, Martínez Quiles ML, Baskin A, et al. (2023) Normal cell cycle progression requires negative regulation of E2F1 by Groucho during S phase and its relief at G2 phase. Development (Cambridge, England). 150
Bar-Cohen S, Martínez Quiles ML, Baskin A, et al. (2023) Normal cell cycle progression requires negative regulation of E2F1 by Groucho during S-phase and its relief at G2-phase. Development (Cambridge, England)
Kaul AK, Schuster EF, Jennings BH. (2015) Recent insights into Groucho co-repressor recruitment and function. Transcription. 6: 7-11
Kaul A, Schuster E, Jennings BH. (2014) The Groucho co-repressor is primarily recruited to local target sites in active chromatin to attenuate transcription. Plos Genetics. 10: e1004595
Harvey R, Schuster E, Jennings BH. (2013) Pleiohomeotic interacts with the core transcription elongation factor Spt5 to regulate gene expression in Drosophila. Plos One. 8: e70184
Jennings BH. (2013) Pausing for thought: disrupting the early transcription elongation checkpoint leads to developmental defects and tumourigenesis. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 35: 553-60
Jennings BH. (2011) Drosophila-a versatile model in biology & medicine Materials Today. 14: 190-195
Vanrobays E, Jennings BH, Ish-Horowicz D. (2010) Identification and mapping of induced chromosomal deletions using sequence polymorphisms. Biotechniques. 48: 53-60
Joly P, Jennings BH, Jayasinghe SN. (2009) Development and fertility studies on post-bio-electrosprayed Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Biomicrofluidics. 3: 44107
Jennings B, Harvey R, Ish-Horowicz D. (2009) 05-P006 Regulation of transcriptional elongation by spt5 during drosophila development Mechanisms of Development. 126: S114
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