James W. Truman

HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA, United States 
"James Truman"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Lynn M. Riddiford grad student 1967-1970 Harvard


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Jason Kroll research assistant 2010-2011 HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Stephen C. Gammie grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Lawrence M. Schwartz grad student U Mass Amherst (Neurotree)
Paul H. Taghert grad student University of Washington
Philip F. Copenhaver grad student 1979-1986 University of Washington - Seattle/ NIH (Neurotree)
Linda A. Barlow grad student 1984-1991 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Randall S. Hewes grad student 1988-1993 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Carol D. Hegstrom grad student 1990-1996 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Wesley Grueber grad student 2000 University of Washington
Mark A. Frye grad student 1995-2000 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Deniz Erezyilmaz grad student 2004 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Kohtaro Tanaka grad student 2006 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Heather L. Brown grad student 2007 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Robin Harris grad student 2012 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Ronald Booker post-doc Cornell (Neurotree)
Susan E. Fahrbach post-doc Wake Forest (Neurotree)
Megumi Fuse post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Richard B. Levine post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Karen A. Mesce post-doc UMN (Neurotree)
David B. Morton post-doc
Barbara Taylor post-doc University of Washington
Janis Weeks post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Troy R. Shirangi post-doc 2010- Janelia Farm (Neurotree)
Haluk Lacin post-doc 2012- Janelia Farm (Neurotree)
Ken-ichi Kimura post-doc 1987-1989 University of Washington (Neurotree)
David B. Morton post-doc 1983-1990 University of Washington
Elizabeth C. Marin post-doc 2004-2008 University of Washington
BETA: Related publications


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Truman JW, Riddiford LM, Konopova B, et al. (2024) The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis. Elife. 12
Truman JW, Riddiford LM, Konopová B, et al. (2023) The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Truman JW, Price J, Miyares RL, et al. (2023) Metamorphosis of memory circuits in reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain. Elife. 12
Truman JW, Riddiford LM. (2023) Drosophila postembryonic nervous system development: a model for the endocrine control of development. Genetics
Truman JW, Riddiford LM. (2022) is the larval member of the molecular trinity that directs metamorphosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2201071119
Mark B, Lai SL, Zarin AA, et al. (2021) A developmental framework linking neurogenesis and circuit formation in the Drosophila CNS. Elife. 10
Court R, Namiki S, Armstrong JD, et al. (2020) A Systematic Nomenclature for the Drosophila Ventral Nerve Cord. Neuron
Lacin H, Williamson WR, Card GM, et al. (2020) Unc-4 acts to promote neuronal identity and development of the take-off circuit in the CNS. Elife. 9
Eschbach C, Fushiki A, Winding M, et al. (2020) Recurrent architecture for adaptive regulation of learning in the insect brain. Nature Neuroscience
Lacin H, Williamson WR, Card GM, et al. (2020) Author response: Unc-4 acts to promote neuronal identity and development of the take-off circuit in the Drosophila CNS Elife
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