Jonathan D. Mahnken, Ph.D.

2003 The University of Texas School of Public Health 
Statistics, Oncology, Public Health
"Jonathan Mahnken"
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Wenyaw Chan grad student 2003 The University of Texas School of Public Health
 (Left, right and interval bivariate censored data: Evaluating screening mammography in the presence of lead -time bias, length bias and over-detection.)
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Yeh HW, Ellerbeck EF, Mahnken JD. (2012) Simultaneous evaluation of abstinence and relapse using a Markov chain model in smokers enrolled in a two-year randomized trial. Bmc Medical Research Methodology. 12: 95
Wetmore JB, Mahnken JD, Mukhopadhyay P, et al. (2012) Geographic variation in HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor use in dialysis patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 27: 1475-83
Mahnken JD, He J, Yeh H, et al. (2012) Survival analysis applied to proportion data: comparing mammography visits in high and low repeat rate facilities Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. 13: 68-83
Mahnken JD, Chan W, Freeman DH, et al. (2008) Reducing the effects of lead-time bias, length bias and over-detection in evaluating screening mammography: a censored bivariate data approach. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 17: 643-63
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