Thomas G.W. Graham

2011-2018 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2018- University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Thomas Graham"


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Johannes C. Walter grad student 2011-2018 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
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Song D, Rodrigues K, Graham TG, et al. (2017) A network of cis and trans interactions is required for ParB spreading. Nucleic Acids Research
Graham TG, Walter JC, Loparo JJ. (2016) Two-Stage Synapsis of DNA Ends during Non-homologous End Joining. Molecular Cell. 61: 850-8
Song D, Graham TG, Loparo JJ. (2016) A general approach to visualize protein binding and DNA conformation without protein labelling. Nature Communications. 7: 10976
Budzowska M, Graham TG, Sobeck A, et al. (2015) Regulation of the Rev1-pol ζ complex during bypass of a DNA interstrand cross-link. The Embo Journal. 34: 1971-85
Price AC, Pilkiewicz KR, Graham TG, et al. (2015) DNA motion capture reveals the mechanical properties of DNA at the mesoscale. Biophysical Journal. 108: 2532-40
Graham TG, Wang X, Song D, et al. (2014) ParB spreading requires DNA bridging. Genes & Development. 28: 1228-38
Graham TG, Song L, Wang X, et al. (2013) Single-Molecule Studies of a ParB Family Chromosome Segregation Protein from Bacillussubtilis Biophysical Journal. 104: 582a-583a
Graham TG. (2012) Single-Molecule Studies of the Bacterial Segregosome Component Spo0J Biophysical Journal. 102: 478a
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