Pedro Domingos
Affiliations: | ITQB, Portugal |
Photoreceptor degenerationGoogle:
"Pedro Domingos"Parents
Sign in to add mentorBertrand Mollereau | post-doc | 2002-2008 | Rockefeller |
Hermann Steller | post-doc | 2002-2008 | Rockefeller |
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Rosado-Ramos R, Poças GM, Marques D, et al. (2023) Genipin prevents alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicity by affecting endocytosis, metabolism and lipid storage. Nature Communications. 14: 1918 |
Cairrão F, Santos CC, Le Thomas A, et al. (2022) Pumilio protects Xbp1 mRNA from regulated Ire1-dependent decay. Nature Communications. 13: 1587 |
Domingos PM, Jenny A, Combie KF, et al. (2019) Regulation of Numb during planar cell polarity establishment in the Drosophila eye. Mechanisms of Development. 103583 |
Robin M, Issa AR, Santos CC, et al. (2018) Drosophila p53 integrates the antagonism between autophagy and apoptosis in response to stress. Autophagy |
Huang HW, Brown B, Chung J, et al. (2018) highroad Is a Carboxypetidase Induced by Retinoids to Clear Mutant Rhodopsin-1 in Drosophila Retinitis Pigmentosa Models. Cell Reports. 22: 1384-1391 |
Mollereau B, Rzechorzek NM, Roussel BD, et al. (2016) Adaptive Preconditioning in Neurological Diseases - Therapeutic Insights from Proteostatic Perturbations. Brain Research |
Coelho DS, Gaspar CJ, Domingos PM. (2014) Ire1 mediated mRNA splicing in a C-terminus deletion mutant of Drosophila Xbp1. Plos One. 9: e105588 |
Coelho DS, Domingos PM. (2014) Physiological roles of regulated Ire1 dependent decay. Frontiers in Genetics. 5: 76 |
Coelho DS, Cairrão F, Zeng X, et al. (2013) Xbp1-independent Ire1 signaling is required for photoreceptor differentiation and rhabdomere morphogenesis in Drosophila. Cell Reports. 5: 791-801 |
Rasheva VI, Domingos PM. (2009) Cellular responses to endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis. Apoptosis : An International Journal On Programmed Cell Death. 14: 996-1007 |