Kevin A. Hope
Affiliations: | 2014- | Neurology | University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, United States |
"Kevin Hope"Parents
Sign in to add mentorLawrence T. Reiter | grad student | 2014- | UTHSC |
Catherine Cook Kaczorowski | grad student | 2014-2015 | UTHSC (Neurotree) |
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Roy B, Han J, Hope KA, et al. (2020) An Unbiased Drug Screen for Seizure Suppressors in Duplication 15q Syndrome Reveals 5-HT and Dopamine Pathway Activation as Potential Therapies. Biological Psychiatry |
Hope KA, Johnson D, Miller PW, et al. (2020) Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of glial versus neuronal Dube3a overexpression reveals common molecular changes in gliopathic epilepsies. Neurobiology of Disease. 104879 |
Hope KA, Flatten D, Cavitch P, et al. (2019) The Drosophila Gene Modulates Autism-Like Behaviors. Frontiers in Genetics. 10: 574 |
Hope KA, McGinn A, Reiter LT. (2019) A genome-wide enhancer/suppressor screen for Dube3a interacting genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports. 9: 2382 |
Dunn AR, Neuner SM, Ding S, et al. (2018) Cell-Type-Specific Changes in Intrinsic Excitability in the Subiculum following Learning and Exposure to Novel Environmental Contexts. Eneuro. 5 |
Toro C, Hori RT, Malicdan MCV, et al. (2018) A recurrent de novo missense mutation in UBTF causes developmental neuroregression. Human Molecular Genetics |
Urraca N, Hope K, Victor AK, et al. (2018) Significant transcriptional changes in 15q duplication but not Angelman syndrome deletion stem cell-derived neurons. Molecular Autism. 9: 6 |
Toro C, Hori RT, Malicdan MCV, et al. (2018) A recurrent de novo missense mutation in UBTF causes developmental neuroregression. Human Molecular Genetics |
Hope KA, LeDoux MS, Reiter LT. (2017) Glial overexpression of Dube3a causes seizures and synaptic impairments in Drosophila concomitant with down regulation of the Na(+)/K(+) pump ATPα. Neurobiology of Disease |
Neuner SM, Wilmott LA, Hope KA, et al. (2017) Corrigendum to "TRPC3 channels critically regulate hippocampal excitability and contextual fear memory" Behav. Brain Res. 281(March) 2015, 69-77. Behavioural Brain Research |