Gray Pearson

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States 
"Gray Pearson"
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Jaykumar AB, Jung JU, Parida PK, et al. (2021) WNK1 Enhances Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancer Models. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
Sharif GM, Campbell MJ, Nasir A, et al. (2021) An AIB1 isoform alters enhancer access and enables progression of early stage triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Research
Dang TT, Westcott JM, Maine EA, et al. (2016) ΔNp63α induces the expression of FAT2 and Slug to promote tumor invasion. Oncotarget
Maine EA, Westcott JW, Prechtl AM, et al. (2016) The cancer/testis antigens SPANX-A/C/D and CTAG2 promote breast cancer invasion. Oncotarget
Dang TT, Esparza MA, Maine EA, et al. (2015) ΔNp63α Promotes Breast Cancer Cell Motility through the Selective Activation of Components of the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Program. Cancer Research. 75: 3925-35
Dbouk HA, Weil LM, Perera GK, et al. (2014) Actions of the protein kinase WNK1 on endothelial cells are differentially mediated by its substrate kinases OSR1 and SPAK. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 15999-6004
Prechtl A, Westcott J, Dang T, et al. (2014) Abstract 3161: Non-cell autonomous regulation of collective invasion be an epigenetically distinct subpopulation of tumor cells Cancer Research. 74: 3161-3161
Pearson G, Prechtl A, Westcott J, et al. (2013) Abstract 4930: A commensal relationship between tumor cell subpopulations promotes collective invasion. Cancer Research. 73: 4930-4930
Pearson GW, Hunter T. (2009) PI-3 kinase activity is necessary for ERK1/2-induced disruption of mammary epithelial architecture. Breast Cancer Research : Bcr. 11: R29
Pearson GW, Hunter T. (2007) Real-time imaging reveals that noninvasive mammary epithelial acini can contain motile cells. The Journal of Cell Biology. 179: 1555-67
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