Rachel Ankeny
Affiliations: | University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia |
"Rachel Ankeny"
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Dietrich MR, Ankeny RA, Crowe N, et al. (2019) How to choose your research organism. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 101227 |
Green S, Dietrich MR, Leonelli S, et al. (2018) 'Extreme' organisms and the problem of generalization: interpreting the Krogh principle. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 40: 65 |
Dietrich MR, Ankeny RA, Chen PM. (2014) Publication trends in model organism research. Genetics. 198: 787-94 |
Ankeny RA, Leonelli S, Nelson NC, et al. (2014) Making organisms model human behavior: situated models in North-American alcohol research, since 1950. Science in Context. 27: 485-509 |
Lawlor M, Kerridge I, Ankeny R, et al. (2007) Public education and organ donation: untested assumptions and unexpected consequences. Journal of Law and Medicine. 14: 360-6 |
Ankeny RA, Clifford R, Jordens CF, et al. (2005) Religious perspectives on withdrawal of treatment from patients with multiple organ failure. The Medical Journal of Australia. 183: 616-21 |