Nicole King

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
animal origins, choanoflagellates
"Nicole King"


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Thomas C. Kaufman research assistant 1990-1992 Indiana University Bloomington
Richard M. Losick grad student 1993-1999 Harvard
Sean B. Carroll post-doc 2000-2003 UW Madison


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Ben T. Larson grad student (Neurotree)
Tera Levin grad student UC Berkeley
Daniel Richter grad student UC Berkeley
Jody Westbrook grad student UC Berkeley
Monika Abedin grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Monika Abedin grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Susan Young grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Stephen R. Fairclough grad student 2011 UC Berkeley
Marjorie W. Westbrook grad student 2011 UC Berkeley
Rosie Alegado post-doc UC Berkeley
Emina Begovic post-doc UC Berkeley
Pawel Burkhardt post-doc UC Berkeley
Mark Dayel post-doc UC Berkeley
Jen Halbleib post-doc UC Berkeley
Scott A Nichols post-doc UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
David Scott Booth post-doc 2014- UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree)


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Jon C. Clardy collaborator UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Coyle MC, Tajima AM, Leon F, et al. (2023) An RFX transcription factor regulates ciliogenesis in the closest living relatives of animals. Current Biology : Cb
Booth DS, King N. (2022) The history of Salpingoeca rosetta as a model for reconstructing animal origins. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 147: 73-91
Brunet T, Albert M, Roman W, et al. (2021) A flagellate-to-amoeboid switch in the closest living relatives of animals. Elife. 10
Booth DS, King N. (2020) Genome editing enables reverse genetics of multicellular development in the choanoflagellate . Elife. 9
Faktorová D, Nisbet RER, Fernández Robledo JA, et al. (2020) Publisher Correction: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods
Faktorová D, Nisbet RER, Fernández Robledo JA, et al. (2020) Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods
Ireland EV, Woznica A, King N. (2020) Synergistic cues from diverse bacteria enhance multicellular development in a choanoflagellate. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Larson BT, Ruiz-Herrero T, Lee S, et al. (2020) Biophysical principles of choanoflagellate self-organization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Booth DS, King N. (2020) Author response: Genome editing enables reverse genetics of multicellular development in the choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta Elife
Brunet T, Larson BT, Linden TA, et al. (2019) Light-regulated collective contractility in a multicellular choanoflagellate. Science (New York, N.Y.). 366: 326-334
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