Barbara A. Hamkalo, Ph.D.

1982-1988 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
"Barbara Hamkalo"


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Paul A. Swenson grad student 1968 U Mass Amherst
Charles A. Thomas post-doc 1968-1971 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Oscar L. Miller post-doc 1971-1973 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Neurotree)


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Robert F. Clark grad student 1982-1988 UC Irvine
Amanda N. Orenstein grad student 2004 UC Irvine
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Lu X, Hamkalo B, Parseghian MH, et al. (2009) Chromatin condensing functions of the linker histone C-terminal domain are mediated by specific amino acid composition and intrinsic protein disorder. Biochemistry. 48: 164-72
Parseghian MH, Newcomb RL, Hamkalo BA. (2001) Distribution of somatic H1 subtypes is non-random on active vs. inactive chromatin II: distribution in human adult fibroblasts. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 83: 643-59
Parseghian MH, Newcomb RL, Winokur ST, et al. (2000) The distribution of somatic H1 subtypes is non-random on active vs. inactive chromatin: distribution in human fetal fibroblasts. Chromosome Research : An International Journal On the Molecular, Supramolecular and Evolutionary Aspects of Chromosome Biology. 8: 405-24
Jasinskas A, Hamkalo BA. (1999) Purification and initial characterization of primate satellite chromatin. Chromosome Research : An International Journal On the Molecular, Supramolecular and Evolutionary Aspects of Chromosome Biology. 7: 341-54
Narayanswami S, Doering JL, Fokta FJ, et al. (1995) Chromosomal locations of major tRNA gene clusters of Xenopus laevis. Chromosoma. 104: 68-74
Parseghian MH, Clark RF, Hauser LJ, et al. (1993) Fractionation of human H1 subtypes and characterization of a subtype-specific antibody exhibiting non-uniform nuclear staining. Chromosome Research : An International Journal On the Molecular, Supramolecular and Evolutionary Aspects of Chromosome Biology. 1: 127-39
Narayanswami S, Doggett NA, Clark LM, et al. (1992) Cytological and molecular characterization of centromeres in Mus domesticus and Mus spretus. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 2: 186-94
Narayanswami S, Hamkalo BA. (1991) DNA sequence mapping using electron microscopy. Genetic Analysis, Techniques and Applications. 8: 14-23
Dvorkin N, Clark MW, Hamkalo BA. (1991) Ultrastructural localization of nucleic acid sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleoli. Chromosoma. 100: 519-23
Clark RF, Cho KW, Weinmann R, et al. (1991) Preferential distribution of active RNA polymerase II molecules in the nuclear periphery. Gene Expression. 1: 61-70
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