William Ramos-Lewis

Duke University, Durham, NC 
"William Ramos-Lewis"
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Park K, Jayadev R, Payne SG, et al. (2023) Reciprocal discoidin domain receptor signaling strengthens integrin adhesion to connect adjacent tissues. Elife. 12
Park K, Jayadev R, Payne SG, et al. (2023) Reciprocal discoidin domain receptor signaling strengthens integrin adhesion to connect adjacent tissues. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Gianakas CA, Keeley DP, Ramos-Lewis W, et al. (2022) Hemicentin-mediated type IV collagen assembly strengthens juxtaposed basement membrane linkage. The Journal of Cell Biology. 222
Ramos-Lewis W, LaFever KS, Page-McCaw A. (2018) A scar-like lesion is apparent in basement membrane after wound repair in vivo. Matrix Biology : Journal of the International Society For Matrix Biology
Ramos-Lewis W, Page-McCaw A. (2018) Basement membrane mechanics shape development: Lesson from the fly. Matrix Biology : Journal of the International Society For Matrix Biology
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