Similar researchers to Julia Cordero: Advanced Search
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Julia Cordero (Info) Washington University School of Medicine Ross_Cagan 2019‑09‑22
Jin Koh (Info) UF Gainesville (Evolution Tree) Evolution and Development Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture, Genetics pq 2016‑09‑20 Sim(0.14)
Scott Rothbart (Info) The Van Andel Institute (STSTree) Brian_Strahl 2017‑10‑27 Sim(0.18)
Animesh Samanta (Info) Shiv Nadar University (Chemistry Tree) Fluorescence molecular imaging, Multimodality imaging, ISynthesis arpanmahanty 2020‑04‑23 Sim(0.2)
Zefang Wang (Info) Penn State (Physics Tree) SR830UM 2019‑05‑22 Sim(0.21)
Xiaozheng Duan (Info) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (Physics Tree) nyanny_the_poo 2024‑02‑13 Sim(0.22)
David Draper (Info) Lisbon University, Portugal (Evolution Tree) sgraham 2019‑01‑14 Sim(0.22)
Rebecca Rundell (Info) SUNY ESF (Evolution Tree) msbarker 2014‑02‑02 Sim(0.23)
Michael Shapira (Info) UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree) Host-pathogen interactions, innate immunity, aging, gut microbial communities david 2016‑01‑13 Sim(0.23)
Bryan J Pavlovic (Info) UCSF (Evolution Tree) Neuroscience,iPSC,evolution,development,genomics,neural development siamang 2021‑12‑12 Sim(0.24)
Donald P. Weston (Info) UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree) Invertebrate ecology and ecotoxicology david 2016‑01‑13 Sim(0.24)
Toru Shiozaki (Info) Northwestern (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical chemistry chuken 2013‑03‑28 Sim(0.25)
James C. Sullivan (Info) Boston University (Evolution Tree) developmental evolution, evolutionary genomics pq 2015‑10‑26 Sim(0.25)
Ryan K. Oyama (Info) Harvard (Marine Ecology Tree) pq 2015‑10‑19 Sim(0.25)
Danielle Brager (Info) Arizona State (MathTree) swirkus 2020‑10‑05 Sim(0.25)
Laura Korobkova (Info) USC (Neurotree) Neural circuits, optogenetics, chemogenetics Laurako 2023‑04‑14 Sim(0.26)
Jeffrey J Field (Info) Colorado State (Physics Tree) ultrafast optics, multi-photon microscopy, biomedical imaging jjfield 2019‑01‑14 Sim(0.26)
Maryna P Lesoway (Info) McGill (Neurotree) 2018‑01‑21 Sim(0.27)
Antriksh Luthra (Info) Ohio State (Chemistry Tree) "Spectroscopy, Plasmonics" Antriksh 2011‑11‑10 Sim(0.27)
Elizabeth Gillanders (Info) Johns Hopkins (Epi Tree) Genetics pq 2016‑05‑12 Sim(0.27)
Gabrielle Houle (Info) McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) (Neurotree) updaterMNI 2018‑05‑11 Sim(0.27)
Stephen P Martindale (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School (ID Tree) smartindale 2023‑06‑11 Sim(0.27)
Stuart Sullivan (Info) University of Glasgow (Plant Biology Tree) jmc78g 2019‑03‑28 Sim(0.27)
Jennifer M. Reininga (Info) NCSU (Evolution Tree) Genomics pq 2015‑10‑25 Sim(0.27)
Matthias Pechmann (Info) University of Cologne yogeshg 2018‑04‑11 Sim(0.28)
Pang-Dian Fan (Info) Columbia (Neurotree) Molecular biology of retrovirus replication; tyrosine kinases and signal transduction pathways pq 2015‑11‑07 Sim(0.28)
Emily Lichko (Info) UW Madison (Physics Tree) elichko 2021‑08‑17 Sim(0.28)
Kin Man Yu (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) kinmanyu 2022‑07‑25 Sim(0.28)
Rung-Shu Chen (Info) National Taiwan University (Chemistry Tree) kcmei 2019‑08‑30 Sim(0.28)
Jennifer H. Wisecaver (Info) University of Arizona (Evolution Tree) Evolution and Development Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑02‑06 Sim(0.28)
On Sun Lau (Info) National University of Singapore (Plant Biology Tree) moto 2016‑06‑11 Sim(0.28)
Yana Eglit (Info) Dalhousie University (Evolution Tree) protistology Opisthokont 2016‑05‑21 Sim(0.29)
Martha C. Hawes (Info) University of Arizona (Microtree) Plant Pathology Agriculture, Botany Biology, Microbiology Biology pq 2016‑03‑19 Sim(0.29)
Wenbin Zhou (Info) NCSU (Evolution Tree) dogwoods 2019‑08‑02 Sim(0.29)
Ryan W Bavis (Info) Bates College (Physiology Academic Tree) Control of breathing, developmental plasticity Rbavis 2023‑06‑11 Sim(0.29)
Mads S. Thomsen (Info) UVA (Marine Ecology Tree) pq 2015‑11‑29 Sim(0.29)
Emily J. Gleason (Info) Harvard (Evolution Tree) pq 2015‑11‑16 Sim(0.29)
Kristin R. Peterson (Info) Harvard (Evolution Tree) pq 2016‑01‑04 Sim(0.3)
Gerald J. Gastony (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (Evolution Tree) evolutionary and phylogenetic questions in vascular plants, particularly in the homosporous ferns msbarker 2010‑08‑29 Sim(0.3)
John A Endler (Info) Deakin University RobBrooks 2010‑08‑27 Sim(0.3)
Winslow R. Briggs (Info) Carnegie Institution for Science (Plant Biology Tree) phototropism lwcole 2015‑12‑19 Sim(0.3)
Fadil Inceoglu (Info) Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (Physics Tree) Solar Physics, paleoclimate Fadilinc 2017‑01‑18 Sim(0.3)
Katerina Chatziioannou (Info) Montana State (Physics Tree) vcharmandaris 2020‑06‑23 Sim(0.3)
David C. Gohlke (Info) Ohio State (Physics Tree) Solid State Physics pq 2017‑01‑04 Sim(0.3)
Frederick Reif (Info) Carnegie Mellon (Physics Tree) hal9001 2018‑11‑11 Sim(0.31)
Yutong Kelly Li (Info) Schepens Eye Institute (Neurotree) DaisyShu 2022‑07‑12 Sim(0.31)
Ryan Olson (Info) Oregon Health and Safety University (PsychTree) BAProf 2021‑06‑11 Sim(0.31)
Lawrence J. Weider (Info) University of Oklahoma (Evolution Tree) ecological genetics; evolutionary ecology ljweider 2010‑08‑27 Sim(0.31)
Hamid Borazjani (Info) Mississippi State University (Cell Biology Tree) Molecular Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Management, Environmental Health pq 2016‑07‑05 Sim(0.31)
Aintzane Santaquiteria (Info) University of Oklahoma (Evolution Tree) betanri 2024‑07‑22 Sim(0.31)
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