Benjamin C. Stark, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Benjamin Stark"


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Sidney Altman grad student Yale (Chemistry Tree)


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Hikmet Geckil grad student 1991-1995 Yale
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Stark BC, Pagilla KR, Dikshit KL. (2015) Recent applications of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin technology in bioproduct synthesis and bioremediation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 99: 1627-36
Stark BC, Dikshit KL, Pagilla KR. (2012) The Biochemistry of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 3: e201210002
Sanny T, Arnaldos M, Kunkel SA, et al. (2010) Engineering of ethanolic E. coli with the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene enhances ethanol production from both glucose and xylose. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 88: 1103-12
Urgun-Demirtas M, Stark B, Pagilla K. (2006) Use of genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) for the bioremediation of contaminants. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 26: 145-64
Dogan I, Pagilla KR, Webster DA, et al. (2006) Expression of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin in Gordonia amarae enhances biosurfactant production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 33: 693-700
Yang J, Webster DA, Stark BC. (2005) ArcA works with Fnr as a positive regulator of Vitreoscilla (bacterial) hemoglobin gene expression in Escherichia coli. Microbiological Research. 160: 405-15
Geckil H, Barak Z, Chipman DM, et al. (2004) Enhanced production of acetoin and butanediol in recombinant Enterobacter aerogenes carrying Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 26: 325-330
Urgun-Demirtas M, Pagilla KR, Stark BC, et al. (2003) Biodegradation of 2-chlorobenzoate by recombinant Burkholderia cepacia expressing Vitreoscilla hemoglobin under variable levels of oxygen availability. Biodegradation. 14: 357-65
Kim Y, Webster DA, Stark BC. (2003) Evidence for stable transformation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a pUC-based plasmid. Biotechnology Letters. 25: 959-62
Park KW, Kim KJ, Howard AJ, et al. (2002) Vitreoscilla hemoglobin binds to subunit I of cytochrome bo ubiquinol oxidases. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 33334-7
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