Ursula K. Abbott

1992 Avian Sciences University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
developmental genetics
"Ursula K. Abbott"

(1927 - 2012)


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Lewis Walter Taylor grad student 1955 UC Berkeley
 (Genetic and Physiological Studies of Diplopodia, a Lethal Form of Polydactyly in the Domestic Fowl.)


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Paul Firmin Goetinck grad student 1963 UC Davis (DevTree)
John R. McCarrey grad student 1981 UC Davis (Evolution Tree)
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MacDonald ME, Abbott UK, Richman JM. (2004) Upper beak truncation in chicken embryos with the cleft primary palate mutation is due to an epithelial defect in the frontonasal mass. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 230: 335-49
SMITH AH, ABBOTT UK, JONES ME. (2000) Effect of artificial changes in egg composition on hatchability and chick growth. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 97: 17-20
Laufer E, Dahn R, Orozco OE, et al. (1997) Expression of Radical fringe in limb-bud ectoderm regulates apical ectodermal ridge formation. Nature. 386: 366-73
Rodriguez C, Kos R, Macias D, et al. (1997) Shh, HoxD, Bmp-2, and Fgf-4 gene expression during development of the polydactylous talpid2, diplopodia1, and diplopodia4 mutant chick limb buds. Developmental Genetics. 19: 26-32
Noramly S, Pisenti J, Abbott U, et al. (1996) Gene expression in the limbless mutant: polarized gene expression in the absence of Shh and an AER. Developmental Biology. 179: 339-346
Lien YH, Fu J, Rucker RB, et al. (1990) Collagen, proteoglycan and hyaluronidase activity in cultures from normal and scoliotic chicken fibroblasts. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1034: 318-25
Urven LE, Abbott UK, Erickson CA. (1989) Distribution of extracellular matrix in the migratory pathway of avian primordial germ cells. The Anatomical Record. 224: 14-21
Urven LE, Erickson CA, Abbott UK, et al. (1988) Analysis of germ line development in the chick embryo using an anti-mouse EC cell antibody. Development (Cambridge, England). 103: 299-304
McCarrey JR, Abbott UK. (1982) Functional differentiation of chick gonads following depletion of primordial germ cells Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology. 161-174
Lin HJ, Benson DR, Riggins RS, et al. (1981) Plasma free hydroxyproline, growth, and sexual maturity in the scoliotic chicken. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 165: 345-8
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