Dragos D. Margineantu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
Computer Science, Artificial IntelligenceGoogle:
"Dragos Margineantu"Parents
Sign in to add mentorThomas G. Dietterich | grad student | 2002 | Oregon State | |
(Methods for cost -sensitive learning.) |
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Margineantu D, Wong WK, Dash D. (2010) Machine learning algorithms for event detection: AAA special issue of Machine Learning Machine Learning. 79: 257-259 |
Margineantu D, Bay S, Chan P, et al. (2005) Data mining methods for anomaly detection KDD-2005 workshop report Acm Sigkdd Explorations Newsletter. 7: 132-136 |
Margineantu DD. (2005) Active cost-sensitive learning Ijcai International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 1622-1623 |
Margineantu DD. (2002) Class probability estimation and cost-sensitive classification decisions Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2430: 270-281 |