James L. DeFilippis, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
Geography, Urban and Regional PlanningGoogle:
"James DeFilippis"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRobert W. Lake | grad student | 2000 | Rutgers, New Brunswick | |
(Alternatives to "corrective capitalism": Collective ownership and the possibility of local autonomy in community development.) |
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Nelson K, DeFilippis J, Kruger R, et al. (2020) The Commodity Effects of Decommodification: Community Land Trusts and Neighborhood Property Values Housing Policy Debate. 30: 823-842 |
Martin DG, Esfahani AH, Williams OR, et al. (2020) Meanings of limited equity homeownership in community land trusts Housing Studies. 35: 395-414 |
Kruger R, DeFilippis J, Williams OR, et al. (2019) The Production of Community in Community Land Trusts City & Community |
DeFilippis J, Williams OR, Pierce J, et al. (2019) On the Transformative Potential of Community Land Trusts in the United States Antipode. 51: 795-817 |
DeFilippis J, Stromberg B, Williams OR. (2018) W(h)ither the community in community land trusts Journal of Urban Affairs. 40: 755-769 |
DeFilippis J. (2017) Place Matters, but Maybe Not in the Ways They Think It Does . . . Urban Affairs Review. 53: 1078087416633534 |
Gray M, DeFilippis J. (2015) Learning from Las Vegas: Unions and post-industrial urbanisation Urban Studies. 52: 1683-1701 |
Fisher R, Defilippis J. (2015) Community organizing in the United States Community Development Journal. 50: 363-379 |
DeFilippis J, Faust B. (2014) Immigration and community development in New York City Urban Geography. 35: 1196-1214 |
DeFilippis J. (2012) Pierre Clavel 2010: Activists in City Hall: The Progressive Response to the Reagan Era in Boston and Chicago. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 36: 1120-1121 |