A Jon Kimerling

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Physical Geography, Geography
"A Kimerling"
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Kennelly PJ, Kimerling AJ. (2006) Non-photorealistic rendering and terrain representation Cartographic Perspectives. 35-54
Kennelly PJ, Kimerling AJ. (2004) Hillshading of terrain using layer tints with aspect-variant luminosity Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 31: 67-77
Sahr K, White D, Kimerling AJ. (2003) Geodesic discrete global grid systems Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 30: 121-134
Kimerling AJ. (2002) Predicting data loss and duplication when resampling from equal-angle grids Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 29: 111-126
Kimerling AJ. (2002) Cartographic methods for determining the Qibla Journal of Geography. 101: 20-26
Kennelly P, Kimerling AJ. (2001) Modifications of Tanaka's Illuminated Contour Method Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 28: 111-123
Kennelly PJ, Kimerling AJ. (2000) Desktop Hachure Maps from Digital Elevation Models Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. 78-81
Thompson WC, Kimerling AJ. (1999) Map Design Enhancement for Terrain Visualization by Army Aviators Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. 62-66
Kimerling AJ, Overton WS, White D. (1996) Statistical comparison of map projection distortions within irregular areas Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 22: 205-221
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