Eric J. Larsen, Ph.D.

2001 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Range Management Agriculture
"Eric Larsen"


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A Jon Kimerling grad student 2001 Oregon State
 (Aspen age structure and stand conditions on elk winter range in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem.)
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Intasen M, Hauer RJ, Werner LP, et al. (2017) Urban forest assessment in Bangkok, Thailand Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 36: 148-163
Painter LE, Beschta RL, Larsen EJ, et al. (2015) Recovering aspen follow changing elk dynamics in Yellowstone: evidence of a trophic cascade? Ecology. 96: 252-63
Painter LE, Beschta RL, Larsen EJ, et al. (2014) After long-term decline, are aspen recovering in northern Yellowstone? Forest Ecology and Management. 329: 108-117
Painter LE, Ripple WJ, Beschta RL, et al. (2012) Aspen, Elk and Wolves in Yellowstone: Are Aspen Recovering Since the Return of Wolves University of Wyoming National Park Service Research Center Annual Report. 35: 143-148
Moore PJ, Charteris M, Larsen EJ. (2008) Notes on New Zealand mammals 8. Predation on nesting southern royal albatrosses Diomedea epomophora by a New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 35: 201-204
Larsen EJ, Ripple WJ. (2005) Aspen stand conditions on elk winter ranges in the Northern Yellowstone ecosystem, USA Natural Areas Journal. 25: 326-338
Larsen EJ, Ripple WJ. (2003) Aspen age structure in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem: USA Forest Ecology and Management. 179: 469-482
Ripple WJ, Larsen EJ. (2001) The role of postfire coarse woody debris in aspen regeneration Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 16: 61-64
Ripple WJ, Larsen EJ, Renkin RA, et al. (2001) Trophic cascades among wolves, elk and aspen on Yellowstone National Park's northern range Biological Conservation. 102: 227-234
Ripple WJ, Larsen EJ. (2000) Historic aspen recruitment, elk, and wolves in northern Yellowstone National Park, USA Biological Conservation. 95: 361-370
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