Doug R. Oetter, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
Physical Geography, GeographyGoogle:
"Doug Oetter"Parents
Sign in to add mentorA Jon Kimerling | grad student | 2003 | Oregon State | |
(Land cover change along the Willamette River, Oregon.) |
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Whitbeck KL, Oetter DR, Perry DA, et al. (2016) Interactions between macroclimate, microclimate, and anthropogenic disturbance affect the distribution of aspen near its northern edge in Quebec: Implications for climate change related range expansions Forest Ecology and Management. 368: 194-206 |
Blick JP, Hopkins JH, Oetter D. (2011) The Prehistoric Settlement Pattern of San Salvador, Bahamas The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 6: 421-441 |
Bachoon DS, Nichols TW, Manoylov KM, et al. (2009) Assessment of faecal pollution and relative algal abundances in Lakes Oconee and Sinclair, Georgia, USA Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management. 14: 139-149 |
Perry DA, Jing H, Youngblood A, et al. (2004) Forest structure and fire susceptibility in volcanic landscapes of the eastern high Cascades, Oregon Conservation Biology. 18: 913-926 |
Oetter DR, Ashkenas LR, Gregory SV, et al. (2004) GIS methodology for characterizing historical conditions of the Willamette River flood plain, Oregon Transactions in Gis. 8: 367-383 |
Krankina ON, Harmon ME, Cohen WB, et al. (2004) Carbon stores, sinks, and sources in forests of northwestern Russia: Can we reconcile forest inventories with remote sensing results? Climatic Change. 67: 257-272 |
Lattin PD, Wigington PJ, Moser TJ, et al. (2004) Influence of remote sensing imagery source on quantification of riparian land cover/land use Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 40: 215-227 |
Morisette JT, Nickeson JE, Davis P, et al. (2003) High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase Remote Sensing of Environment. 88: 100-110 |
Cohen WB, Spies TA, Alig RJ, et al. (2002) Characterizing 23 years (1972-95) of stand replacement disturbance in western Oregon forests with landsat imagery Ecosystems. 5: 122-137 |
Oetter DR, Cohen WB, Berterretche M, et al. (2001) Land cover mapping in an agricultural setting using multiseasonal Thematic Mapper data Remote Sensing of Environment. 76: 139-155 |