Helga Leitner

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
"Helga Leitner"


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Deborah Martin grad student 1999 UMN
Sarah A. Elwood grad student 2000 UMN
Hilda E. Kurtz grad student 2000 UMN
Patricia Ehrkamp grad student 2002 UMN
Jennifer L. Blecha grad student 2007 UMN
Yohannes W. Gubsa grad student 2007 UMN
Annamarie K. Kiaga grad student 2007 UMN
Kristin M. Sziarto grad student 2007 UMN
David M. Maralack grad student 2010 UMN
Nathan L. Clough grad student 2011 UMN
Tatiana Matejskova grad student 2011 UMN
Kyle E. Walker grad student 2011 UMN
Christopher Strunk grad student 2012 UMN
BETA: Related publications


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Blumberg R, Leitner H, Cadieux KV. (2020) For food space: theorizing alternative food networks beyond alterity Journal of Political Ecology. 27: 1-22
Sheppard E, Sparks T, Leitner H. (2020) World Class Aspirations, Urban Informality, and Poverty Politics: A North–South Comparison Antipode. 52: 393-407
Leitner H, Liong JT, Sheppard E, et al. (2020) Space Grabs: Colonizing the Vertical City International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Webber S, Leitner H, Sheppard E. (2020) Wheeling Out Urban Resilience: Philantrocapitalism, Marketization, and Local Practice Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 1-21
Herlambang S, Leitner H, Tjung LJ, et al. (2019) Jakarta’s great land transformation: Hybrid neoliberalisation and informality: Urban Studies. 56: 627-648
Anguelov D, Leitner H, Sheppard E. (2018) Engineering the Financialization of Urban Entrepreneurialism: The JESSICA Urban Development Initiative in the European Union International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 42: 573-593
Leitner H, Sheppard E, Webber S, et al. (2018) Globalizing urban resilience Urban Geography. 39: 1276-1284
Sheppard E, Leitner H. (2017) A tale of two GPEs: Decentering macro-geopolitics: Environment and Planning A. 50: 479-483
Leitner H, Sheppard E. (2017) From Kampungs to Condos? Contested accumulations through displacement in Jakarta: Environment and Planning A. 50: 437-456
Jones JP, Leitner H, Marston SA, et al. (2017) Neil Smith's Scale Antipode. 49: 138-152
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