Jeannette A. Colyvas, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Higher Education, Social Structure and Development, History of ScienceGoogle:
"Jeannette Colyvas"Parents
Sign in to add mentorWalter W. Powell | grad student | 2007 | Stanford | |
(From divergent meanings to common practices: Institutionalization processes and the commercialization of university research.) |
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Colyvas JA, Maroulis S. (2015) Moving from an exception to a rule: Analyzing mechanisms in emergence-based institutionalization Organization Science. 26: 601-621 |
Colyvas JA. (2012) Performance metrics as formal structures and through the lens of social mechanisms: When do they work and how do they influence? American Journal of Education. 118: 167-197 |
Colyvas JA, Snellman K, Bercovitz J, et al. (2012) Disentangling effort and performance: A renewed look at gender differences in commercializing medical school research Journal of Technology Transfer. 37: 478-489 |
Hwang H, Colyvas JA. (2011) Problematizing actors and institutions in institutional work Journal of Management Inquiry. 20: 62-66 |
Colyvas JA, Jonsson S. (2011) Ubiquity and Legitimacy: Disentangling Diffusion and Institutionalization Sociological Theory. 29: 27-53 |
Haeussler C, Colyvas JA. (2011) Breaking the Ivory Tower: Academic entrepreneurship in the life sciences in UK and Germany Research Policy. 40: 41-54 |
Colyvas JA, Powell WW. (2009) Measures, metrics, and myopia: The challenges and ramifications of sustaining academic entrepreneurship Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth. 19: 79-111 |
Colyvas JA, Powell WW. (2007) From Vulnerable to Venerated: The Institutionalization of Academic Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 25: 219-259 |
Colyvas JA. (2007) From divergent meanings to common practices: The early institutionalization of technology transfer in the life sciences at Stanford University Research Policy. 36: 456-476 |
Colyvas JA. (2007) Factory, hazard, and contamination: The use of metaphor in the commercialization of recombinant DNA Minerva. 45: 143-159 |