Recent additions to GeograTree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Huang Henry (Info) anchenry 2024‑08‑19
Martyn John Bowden (Info) Clark University jandh 2024‑06‑29
Gilberto Camara (Info) National Instiute of Space Research (INPE) Geoinformatics, Spatial Data Science, GIScience, Land Use Change gcamara 2024‑09‑12
James jam Cope (Info) jamescope 2024‑09‑09
Pierre Dagenais (Info) Université de Montréal jandh 2024‑09‑04
Henry De la Beche (Info) Geological Survey of Britain Mavalto 2024‑07‑07
Qiao Guo (Info) University of Florida Cjmatyas 2024‑04‑30
John R. Jensen (Info) UCLA, University of South Carolina jandh 2024‑06‑28
Sanghoon Kim (Info) University of Florida Cjmatyas 2024‑04‑30
Umberto Lombardo (Info) Universität Bern, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona andresgmejiar 2024‑05‑29
Cary Jeffrey Mock (Info) University of South Carolina jandh 2024‑06‑29
Raymond Edward Murphy (Info) Clark University jandh 2024‑06‑29
Carl Neumann (Info) Schlesische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau jandh 2024‑07‑03
Joseph Franz Maria Partsch (Info) Universität Leipzig jandh 2024‑07‑03
Elisabeth Brighton Powell (Info) University of Maryland Coastal landscape ecology, remote sensing epowell35 2024‑08‑22
Andrew Ramsey (Info) Royal School of Mines Mavalto 2024‑07‑07
Hans Schrepfer (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Universität Würzburg Geography jandh 2024‑08‑15
Friedrich Simony (Info) Universität Wien jandh 2024‑07‑24
James Elmon Vance (Info) UC Berkeley jandh 2024‑06‑29
Heinz Veit (Info) Universität Bern andresgmejiar 2024‑05‑29
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