Jennifer L. Aschoff, Ph.D.

2008 Geological Sciences University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Geology, Sedimentary Geology
"Jennifer Aschoff"


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Mark Cloos grad student 2008 UT Austin
 (Controls on the development of clastic wedges and growth strata in foreland basins: Examples from Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland basin strata, USA.)
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Aschoff JL, Olariu C, Steel RJ. (2018) Recognition and significance of bayhead delta deposits in the rock record: A comparison of modern and ancient systems Sedimentology. 65: 62-95
Aschoff J, Steel R. (2011) Anomalous clastic wedge development during the Sevier-Laramide transition, North American Cordilleran foreland basin, USA Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 123: 1822-1835
Aschoff JL, Steel RJ. (2011) Anatomy and development of a low-accommodation clastic wedge, upper Cretaceous, Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA Sedimentary Geology. 236: 1-24
Aschoff JL, Schmitt JG. (2008) Distinguishing syntectonic unconformity types to enhance analysis of growth strata: An example from the Cretaceous, southeastern Nevada, U.S.A Journal of Sedimentary Research. 78: 608-623
Aschoff JL, Giles KA. (2005) Salt diapir-influenced, shallow-marine sediment dispersal patterns: Insights from outcrop analogs Aapg Bulletin. 89: 447-469
Aschoff JL, Giles KA. (2002) ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of a Shelfal Siliciclastic Succession in an Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Salt Diapir Influenced Basin, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico Aapg Bulletin. 86
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