Alfred George Fischer
Affiliations: | 1956-1984 | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ | |
1984-1991 | University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States |
marine sedimentology, marine fossil faunaWebsite:
"Alfred George Fischer"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorNorman Dennis Newell | grad student | 1951 | Columbia | |
(Petrology of Eocene limestones in and around the Citrus-Levy County area, Florida.) |
Sign in to add traineeHarold R. Wanless | research assistant | 1964 | Princeton |
Douglas S. Jones | grad student | Princeton | |
Alfred Carl Lenz | grad student | 1959 | Princeton |
Robert E Garrison | grad student | 1965 | Princeton |
Michael A. Arthur | grad student | 1979 | Princeton (Chemistry Tree) |
Timothy D. Herbert | grad student | 1987 | Princeton (Physics Tree) |
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Huang C, Hinnov L, Fischer AG, et al. (2010) Astronomical tuning of the Aptian Stage from Italian reference sections Geology. 38: 899-902 |
Fischer AG, Hilgen FJ, Garrison RE. (2009) Mediterranean contributions to cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology Sedimentology. 56: 63-94 |
Fischer AG, Garrison RE. (2009) The role of the Mediterranean region in the development of sedimentary geology: a historical overview Sedimentology. 56: 3-41 |
Herbert TD, Silva IP, Erba E, et al. (1995) Orbital chronology of Cretaceous-Paleocene marine sediments Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. 81-93 |
Britt SL, Bottjer DJ, Fischer AG, et al. (1992) X-radiography of horizontal core slabs; a method for greater retrieval of sediment core data Journal of Sedimentary Research. 62: 718-744 |
Fischer AG, Herbert TD, Napoleone G, et al. (1991) Albian pelagic rhythms (Piobbico core) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 61: 1164-1172 |
Ripepe M, Roberts LT, Fischer AG. (1991) Enso and Sunspot Cycles in Varved Eocene Oil Shales from Image Analysis Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61: 1155-1163 |
Fischer AG, Roberts LT. (1991) Cyclicity in the Green River Formation (Lacustrine Eocene) of Wyoming Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61: 1146-1154 |
Fischer AG, Bottjer DJ. (1991) Orbital Forcing and Sedimentary Sequences Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61 |
Fischer AG, Sarnthein M. (1988) Airborne Silts and Dune-Derived Sands in The Permian of the Delaware Basin Journal of Sedimentary Research. 58: 637-643 |