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Karl K. Turekian grad student 1964 Yale (Physics Tree)
 (Geochronology and geology of the eastern Great Basin in Nevada and Utah.)


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John Edward Suppe grad student 1969 Yale
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Greig CJ, Armstrong RL, Harakal JE, et al. (1992) Geochronometry of the Eagle Plutonic Complex and the Coquihalla area, southwestern British Columbia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 29: 812-829
Cotkin SJ, Cotkin ML, Armstrong RL. (1992) Early Paleozoic Blueschist from the Schist of Skookum Gulch, Eastern Klamath Mountains, Northern California The Journal of Geology. 100: 323-338
Sun M, Armstrong RL, St. J. Lambert R. (1992) Petrochemistry and Sr, Pb, and Nd isotopic geochemistry of early precambrian rocks, Wutaishan and Taihangshan areas, China Precambrian Research. 56: 1-31
Andrew A, Armstrong RL, Runkle D. (1991) Neodymium–strontium–lead isotopic study of Vancouver Island igneous rocks Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 28: 1744-1752
Sun M, Armstrong RL, Maxwell RJ. (1991) Proterozoic mantle under Quesnellia: variably reset Rb–Sr mineral isochrons in ultramafic nodules carried up in Cenozoic volcanic vents of the southern Omineca Belt Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 28: 1239-1253
Armstrong RL, Parrish RR, Heyden Pvd, et al. (1991) Early Proterozoic basement exposures in the southern Canadian Cordillera: core gneiss of Frenchman Cap, Unit I of the Grand Forks Gneiss, and the Vaseaux Formation Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 28: 1169-1201
Leitch CHB, Heyden Pvd, Godwin CI, et al. (1991) Geochronometry of the Bridge River Camp, southwestern British Columbia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 28: 195-208
Hansen VL, Mortensen JK, Armstrong RL. (1989) U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and K-Ar isotopic constraints for ductile deformation and related metamorphism in the Teslin suture zone, Yukon-Tanana terrane, south-central Yukon Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 26: 2224-2235
ROESKE SM, MATTINSON JM, ARMSTRONG RL. (1989) Isotopic ages of glaucophane schists on the Kodiak Islands, southern Alaska, and their implications for the Mesozoic tectonic history of the Border Ranges fault system Geological Society of America Bulletin. 101: 1021-1037
Armstrong RL. (1985) Rb–Sr dating of the Bokan Mountain granite complex and its country rocks Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 22: 1233-1236
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