Kurt O Konhauser

1985-1989 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 1989-1993 University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada 
 1994-1994 Department of Geology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 1994-2002 School of Earth Sciences University of Leeds, Leeds, England, United Kingdom 
 2002- Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
"Kurt Konhauser"

Konhauser, Kurt O., Multiple Fluxes Influencing Amazonian River Chemistry (1993). Digitized Theses. 2230.


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Judith G Patterson grad student 1988-1989 University of Toronto
William S. Fyfe grad student 1989-1993 Univerisity of Western Ontario (Chemistry Tree)
 (Multiple Fluxes Influencing Amazonian River Chemistry)
Fred J. Longstaffe post-doc 1993-1993 Western University (Chemistry Tree)
F Grant Ferris post-doc 1994-1994 University of Toronto (Microtree)


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Vernon R Phoenix grad student 1997-2001 University of Leeds
Aleksandra Mloszewska grad student 2014 University of Alberta (Evolution Tree)
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Nikeleit V, Mellage A, Bianchini G, et al. (2024) Inhibition of phototrophic iron oxidation by nitric oxide in ferruginous environments. Nature Geoscience. 17: 1169-1174
Slagter S, Konhauser KO, Briggs DEG, et al. (2024) Controls on authigenic mineralization in experimental Ediacara-style preservation. Geobiology. 22: e12615
Dreher CL, Schad M, Robbins LJ, et al. (2021) Microbial processes during deposition and diagenesis of Banded Iron Formations. Palaontologische Zeitschrift. 95: 593-610
Mänd K, Lalonde SV, Paiste K, et al. (2021) Iron Isotopes Reveal a Benthic Iron Shuttle in the Palaeoproterozoic Zaonega Formation: Basinal Restriction, Euxinia, and the Effect on Global Palaeoredox Proxies Minerals. 11: 368
Tong X, Mänd K, Li Y, et al. (2021) Iron and Carbon Isotope Constraints on the Formation Pathway of Iron-Rich Carbonates within the Dagushan Iron Formation, North China Craton Minerals. 11: 94
Li Y, Sutherland BR, Gingras MK, et al. (2021) A novel approach to investigate the deposition of (bio)chemical sediments: The sedimentation velocity of cyanobacteria–ferrihydrite aggregates Journal of Sedimentary Research. 91: 390-398
Alam MS, Bishop B, Chen N, et al. (2020) Reusable magnetite nanoparticles-biochar composites for the efficient removal of chromate from water. Scientific Reports. 10: 19007
Hao W, Kashiwabara T, Jin R, et al. (2020) Clay minerals as a source of cadmium to estuaries. Scientific Reports. 10: 10417
Zhang B, Wang C, Robbins LJ, et al. (2020) Petrography and Geochemistry of the Carboniferous Ortokarnash Manganese Deposit in the Western Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang Province, China: Implications for the Depositional Environment and the Origin of Mineralization Economic Geology. 115: 1559-1588
Mänd K, Lalonde SV, Robbins LJ, et al. (2020) Palaeoproterozoic oxygenated oceans following the Lomagundi–Jatuli Event Nature Geoscience. 13: 302-306
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