Paul A. Mueller
Affiliations: | Environmental and Planetary Sciences | Rice University, Houston, TX |
"Paul Mueller"
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Lupo ME, Tull JF, Repetski J, et al. (2020) New paleontological evidence for complex middle Paleozoic tectonic evolution in the Appalachian western Blue Ridge Geological Society of America Bulletin. 132: 2105-2118 |
Stowell H, Schwartz J, Ingram S, et al. (2019) Linking metamorphism, magma generation, and synorogenic sedimentation to crustal thickening during Southern Appalachian mountain building, USA Lithosphere. 11: 722-749 |
Ma C, Foster DA, Hames WE, et al. (2019) From the Alleghanian to the Atlantic: Extensional collapse of the southernmost Appalachian orogen Geology. 47: 367-370 |
Bickford ME, Mueller PA, Condie KC, et al. (2019) “Ages and Hf isotopic compositions of detrital zircons in the Pinal schist, southern Arizona, USA: Provenance, tectonic setting, and evidence for pre-1.7 Ga crust in SW Laurentia” Precambrian Research. 331: 105374 |
Tull JF, Mueller PA, Farris DW, et al. (2018) Taconic suprasubduction zone magmatism in southern Laurentia: Evidence from the Dadeville Complex Geological Society of America Bulletin. 130: 1339-1354 |
Miller SR, Mueller PA, Meert JG, et al. (2018) Detrital Zircons Reveal Evidence of Hadean Crust in the Singhbhum Craton, India The Journal of Geology. 126: 387-392 |
Schmitz MD, Southwick DL, Bickford ME, et al. (2018) Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic Events in the Minnesota River Valley Subprovince, with Implications for Southern Superior Craton Evolution and Correlation Precambrian Research. 316: 206-226 |
Gifford JN, Mueller PA, Foster DA, et al. (2018) Extending the realm of Archean crust in the Great Falls tectonic zone: Evidence from the Little Rocky Mountains, Montana Precambrian Research. 315: 264-281 |
Gürsu S, Mueller PA, Sunkari ED, et al. (2018) Nd, Pb, Hf isotope characteristics and provenance of glacial granitic pebbles from Late Ordovician diamictites in the Taurides, S Turkey Gondwana Research. 54: 205-216 |
Boote SK, Knapp JH, Mueller PA. (2018) Preserved Neoproterozoic Continental Collision in Southeastern North America: The Brunswick Suture Zone and Osceola Continental Margin Arc Tectonics. 37: 305-321 |