Cornell University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Andrew J. AbalahinSoutheast Asia, Indonesia, comparative Muslim societies2003 Eric Tagliacozzo (grad student)
Niall S. AtkinsonArt History, Medieval History, Romance Literature2009 Diana M. Lasansky (grad student)
Thomas J. BalcerskiUnited States History, American Studies, Gender Studies2014 Edward E. Baptist (grad student)
Edward E. BaptistUnited States History, Women's Studies, Gender Studies
Carl Lotus Beckerearly American intellectual history; 18th century Enlightenment
Harry J BendaSoutheast Asian History, History, Indonesian History Government1955 George McTurnan Kahin (grad student), Lauriston Sharpe (grad student)
Judith BernstockArt History, Mass Communications
Carla J. BittelUnited States History, Women's Studies, Biography2003 Joan J. Brumberg (grad student)
Sharon L. BoedoArt History, European History2005 Esther G. Dotson (grad student)
Allan G. Bogue Economics1951 Paul Wallace Gates (grad student)
Margaret Beattie Bogue History Paul Wallace Gates (grad student)
Susan Ann BrewerHistory of US Foreign Relations1991 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Louise Fargo Brown George Lincoln Burr (grad student)
Joan J. BrumbergUnited States History, Women's Studies, Biography
George Lincoln Burr1881 Andrew Dickson White (research assistant)
Diane S. ButlerArt History, African History, European History2004 Claudia Lazzaro (grad student)
Robert G. Calkinsart history
Jack Meng-Tat Chia History2017 Eric Tagliacozzo (grad student)
Deokhyo Choi2013 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Sherman CochranChina
Nancy F. Cott David Brion Davis (research assistant)
Jefferson Cowielabor history
Clare Haru CrowstonFrench and European History, history of women and gender, apprenticeship, fashion, material culture and consumption, historical methods History1996 Steven L. Kaplan (grad student)
David Brion Davisslavery
Peter DearHistory of Science, Women's Studies, European History, Mass Communications
Ileen A. DeVault
Elizabeth Donnan George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Esther G. DotsonArt History, European History
Mark W. Driscollmodern Japanese history2000 Brett de Bary (grad student), Naoki Sakai (grad student), J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
George Matthew Dutcher George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Sarah ElbertUnited States History, Women's Studies, Biography David Brion Davis (grad student)
Dorothy Fennelllabor history
Cheryl FinleyArt History, Sub Saharan Africa Studies, Museology, Art Education
Anne L. FosterUS foreign relations with Southeast Asia1995 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Laura E. FreeUnited States History, Women's Studies, Gender Studies2009 Edward E. Baptist (grad student)
Stephen E. Frug2008 Michael Kammen (grad student)
J Ellen GainorTheater, Women's Studies, American Studies, GLBT Studies, Theater History
Paul Wallace Gates
William R. GayArt History, Medieval History, General Religion2002 Robert G. Calkins (grad student)
Mary K. GayneEuropean History, Cultural Anthropology, General2007 Steven L. Kaplan (grad student)
Leo Gershoy History1925 George Lincoln Burr (research assistant), Carl Lotus Becker (grad student)
Lois Oliphant Gibbons George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Amanda K. GilvinArt History, Sub Saharan Africa Studies, Museology, Art Education2012 Cheryl Finley (grad student)
Judith R. GinsburgAncient History
Lawrence Glickman
Robert C. Goodwin
Louis Gottschalk History1921 Carl Lotus Becker (grad student)
Kelly L. Grotke Germany 1700-1945 (esp. sociopolitical, military, legal, administrative, and political theory), international laws of war, First World War, fascism, genocide2006 Isabel V. Hull (grad student)
Meghan B. GualtieriTheater, Women's Studies, American Studies, GLBT Studies, Theater History2010 J Ellen Gainor (grad student)
Henry Edward GuerlacHistory of Science1932 James Batcheller Sumner (research assistant), George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizuhistory of US-Japan relations1991 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Roger HahnHistory of science1962 Henry Edward Guerlac (grad student)
Robert L. Harris, JrAfrican American history
Catherine A. Haulman2002 Mary Beth Norton (grad student)
Donna T. Haverty-Stacke2003 Michael Kammen (grad student)
Sandra HindmanArt History, History of Religion, Medieval History1973 Robert G. Calkins (grad student), Léon M. J. Delaissé (grad student)
Soo Kyeong Hong2017 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Leslie A. Horowitz2001 Mary Beth Norton (grad student)
Xiaojia HouChina2008 Sherman Cochran (grad student)
K. C. Hsiao1926 Frank Thilly (grad student)
Isabel V. Hull Germany 1700-1945 (esp. sociopolitical, military, legal, administrative, and political theory), international laws of war, First World War, fascism, genocide
Edward M. Hulme George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Louis R. HymanHistory
Akiko IshiiAsia History History2013 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Mark JarzombekArchitecture, Art History, United States History
Dallas Lee JonesLabor Relations1954 Maurice F. Neufield (grad student)
Mitch KachunAfrican American; memoru Michael Kammen (grad student)
Michael Kammen
Steven L. KaplanEuropean History, Cultural Anthropology, General
Amy P. KardosChina2008 Sherman Cochran (grad student)
Otto Kinkeldey
Julien V. KoschmannAsia History
J. Victor KoschmannAsia History, History of Religion, Modern History
Kevin M. Kruse20th-century U.S., political, urban/suburban2000 Richard Polenberg (grad student), Robert L. Harris, Jr (grad student), Isabel V. Hull (grad student)
Walter LaFeberdiplomatic history
Diana M. LasanskyArt History, Medieval History, Romance Literature
Claudia LazzaroArt History
Seokwon LeeAsia History2010 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Mechele LeonTheater2002 J Ellen Gainor (grad student)
Tai-Wei LimChina2007 Sherman Cochran (grad student)
Oiyan Liu History2013 Eric Tagliacozzo (grad student)
Fredrik LogevallUnited States History, General
Tze M. LooAsia History2007 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Louis MarchesanoArt History, Modern History2001 Claudia Lazzaro (grad student)
Hajimu MasudaUnited States History, Asia History, International Relations2012 Fredrik Logevall (grad student)
Trent E. MaxeyAsia History, History of Religion, Modern History2005 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Brett J. McCormickAsia History2002 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
William H. McNeill1947 Carl Lotus Becker (grad student)
Ruth T. McVey Government George McTurnan Kahin (grad student)
Cyrus C. M. ModyHistory of recent science and technology, specifically the applied physical sciences in the United States since 1965.2004 Michael E. Lynch (grad student)
Aaron Stephen Moore2006 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Elizabeth Anne Murphy1999 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Marie A. Muschalek Germany 1700-1945 (esp. sociopolitical, military, legal, administrative, and political theory), international laws of war, First World War, fascism, genocide2014 Isabel V. Hull (grad student)
Milford B. Muskett
Maurice F. Neufield
Jimmy A. NoriegaTheater, Latin American History, Performing Arts2011 J Ellen Gainor (grad student)
Mary Beth Norton
Rachel E. NussbaumEuropean History, Music, Theater2005 Michael P. Steinberg (grad student)
Soon K. OngChina2008 Sherman Cochran (grad student)
David M. OshinskyU.S. cultural and political history1965 David Brion Davis (research assistant)
Robert Palmer History1934 Carl Lotus Becker (grad student)
Lewis C. PerryU.S. intellectual history1967 David Brion Davis (grad student)
Richard PolenbergModern US history
Cynthia RobinsonArchaeology Anthropology, Art History, Medieval History
Kristin RoebuckJapanese history
Mary RoldanLatin American History
George H. Sabine George Lincoln Burr (research assistant)
Aaron J. SachsEnvironmental
Wesley Sasaki-Uemura1993 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Harry N. ScheiberLaw, Mass Communications, United States History, Public Administration1962 Paul Wallace Gates (grad student)
James G. SchryverArchaeology Anthropology, Art History, Medieval History2005 Cynthia Robinson (grad student)
Alexander T. SchubertAncient History2000 Judith R. Ginsburg (grad student)
Silvan Samuel Schwebertheoretical physics, History of Science19521954 Hans Albrecht Bethe (post-doc)
Joel H. SilbeyUnited States History
John R.W. SmailSoutheast Asian History, History, Indonesian History
Shannon Lee Smith1994 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Pamela Sodhy1982 Walter LaFeber (grad student)
Michael P. SteinbergEuropean History, Music, Theater
John Stewart History1930 Carl Lotus Becker (grad student)
Patricia R. Stokes Germany 1700-1945 (esp. sociopolitical, military, legal, administrative, and political theory), international laws of war, First World War, fascism, genocide2003 Isabel V. Hull (grad student)
Barry StraussClassical Studies, Ancient History
Eric TagliacozzoSoutheast Asia, Indonesia, comparative Muslim societies
Jean Gelman Taylor History John R.W. Smail (grad student)
Dexter Thomas Jr,
Robert Travers
Carl A TrockiSoutheast Asian History, History
Paul W vanderVeur Politics George McTurnan Kahin (grad student)
Francis P. VarneyUnited States History2007 Joel H. Silbey (grad student)
Margaret WashingtonBlack History, United States History
Andrew C. WeislogelArt History, Romance Literature2000 Claudia Lazzaro (grad student)
Margaret A. WeitekampModern US history2001 Richard Polenberg (grad student)
William Linn Westermann
Andrew Dickson White
Oliver W. WoltersSoutheast Asian History, History
Harry Woolfhistory of astronomy1955 Henry Edward Guerlac (grad student)
David K Wyatt History Oliver W. Wolters (grad student)
Kankan XieSoutheast Asian Studies; Southeast Asian History; Indonesia History Anthropology20102012 Eric Tagliacozzo (grad student), Andrew Willford (grad student)
Shin-Yi YangArt History, Mass Communications2006 Judith Bernstock (grad student)
Guy Yasko1997 J. Victor Koschmann (grad student)
Ji-Yeon Yuh History Gary Y. Okihiro (grad student)
Peter B. ZinomanSoutheast Asia History David K Wyatt (grad student)