Donald K. Routh
Affiliations: | University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Iowa City, IA, United States |
pediatric psychology, child clinical psychology, history of psychologyGoogle:
"Donald Routh"Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree
Sign in to add traineeRussell A. Barkley | grad student | (PsychTree) | |
Christine Lovejoy | grad student | (Neurotree) | |
Dennis Drotar | grad student | 1970 | University of Iowa (Neurotree) |
Karen Elizabeth Wills | grad student | 1978-1983 | University of Iowa (Neurotree) |
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Kazak AE, Roberts MC, Brown RT, et al. (2019) Historical Analysis: Editors' Reflections on 50 Years of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
Swierc SF, Routh DK. (2003) Introduction to the special issue on international clinical psychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 59: 631-4 |
Routh DK, Schroeder SR. (2003) A History of Psychological Theory and Research in Mental Retardation since World War II International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. 26: 1-59 |
Routh DK. (2000) The field of clinical psychology: a response to Thorne. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 56: 275-86 |
Wasserstein SB, Lopez N, Routh DK. (1997) The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology at 25. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 25: 1-5 |
Lang C, Field T, Pickens J, et al. (1996) Preschoolers of dysphoric mothers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 37: 221-4 |
Hardy MS, Routh DK, Armstrong FD, et al. (1995) Interpersonal distance and coping in children with HIV and cancer. Children's Health Care : Journal of the Association For the Care of Children's Health. 24: 119-31 |
Gonzalez JC, Routh DK, Armstrong FD. (1993) Effects of maternal distraction versus reassurance on children's reactions to injections. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 18: 593-604 |
Schuman WB, Armstrong FD, Pegelow CH, et al. (1993) Enhanced parenting knowledge and skills in mothers of preschool children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 18: 575-91 |
Vernberg EM, Routh DK, Koocher GP. (1992) The future of psychotherapy with children: Developmental psychotherapy Psychotherapy. 29: 72-80 |