Youngsun Lee, Ph.D.

2007 Special Education University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
"Youngsun Lee"


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Michael L. Wehmeyer grad student 2007 University of Kansas
 (Instructional, intraindividual and dispositional factors promoting self-determination and student involvement in transition planning.)


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Ki-Yeon Min grad student 2016-2019 Inha University
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Cheon SH, Reeve J, Lee Y, et al. (2019) Expanding autonomy psychological need states from two (satisfaction, frustration) to three (dissatisfaction): A classroom-based intervention study. Journal of Educational Psychology. 111: 685-702
Cheon SH, Reeve J, Lee Y, et al. (2018) Why autonomy-supportive interventions work: Explaining the professional development of teachers’ motivating style Teaching and Teacher Education. 69: 43-51
Cheon SH, Reeve J, Lee J, et al. (2015) Giving and receiving autonomy support in a high-stakes sport context: A field-based experiment during the 2012 London Paralympic Games Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 19: 59-69
Lee Y, Wehmeyer M, Palmer S, et al. (2012) Examining Individual and Instruction-Related Predictors of the Self-Determination of Students with Disabilities: Multiple Regression Analyses. Remedial and Special Education : Rase. 33: 150-161
Wehmeyer ML, Palmer SB, Lee Y, et al. (2011) A randomized-trial evaluation of the effect of whose future is it anyway? on self-determination Career Development For Exceptional Individuals. 34: 45-56
Lee Y, Wehmeyer ML, Palmer SB, et al. (2011) The effect of student-directed transition planning with a computer-based reading support program on the self-determination of students with disabilities Journal of Special Education. 45: 104-117
Williams-Diehm K, Palmer S, Lee Y, et al. (2010) Goal Content Analysis for Middle and High School Students With Disabilities Career Development For Exceptional Individuals. 33: 132-142
Chambers CR, Wehmeyer ML, Saito Y, et al. (2007) Self-Determination: What Do We Know? Where Do We Go?. Exceptionality. 15: 3-15
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