Marvin Kaufmann Opler, Ph.D.

Anthropology State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"Marvin Opler"
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Ruth Benedict grad student 1938 Columbia (Anthropology Tree)
Ralph Linton grad student 1938 Columbia
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Opler MK. (1974) General and Theoretical: Culture Theory. DAVID KAPLAN and ROBERT A. MANNERS American Anthropologist. 76: 95-97
Opler MK. (1973) The use of culture in psychiatry. American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 33: I17-32
Opler MK. (1973) General and Theoretical: The Analysis of Subjective Culture. HARRY C. TRIANDIS American Anthropologist. 75: 943-944
Opler MK. (1970) GENERAL: Belief, Magic and Anomie: Essays in Psychosocial Anthropology. Anne Parsons American Anthropologist. 72: 865-867
Opler MK. (1967) Approaches to cross-cultural psychiatry Social Science & Medicine. 1: 119-120
Opler MK. (1964) GENERAL AND CULTURE CHANGE: Mankind Behaving: Human Needs and Material Culture. James K. Feibleman American Anthropologist. 66: 913-915
Opler MK. (1963) Cultural Aspects of Delusion: A Psychiatric Study of the Virgin Islands. Edwin A. Weinstein American Anthropologist. 65: 1176-1177
Opler MK. (1959) OTHER: Mental Subnormality: Biological, Psychological and Cultural Factors. RICHARD L. MASLAND, SEYMOUR B. SARASON, and THOMAS GLADWIN American Anthropologist. 61: 1160-1161
Opler MK. (1959) CULTURE AND PERSONALITY: Discussions on Child Development: A Consideration of the Biological, Psychological, and Cultural Approaches to the Understanding of Human Development and Behaviour. J. M. Tanner and Barbel Inhelder American Anthropologist. 61: 348-349
Opler MK. (1959) CULTURE AND PERSONALITY: Clinical Studies in Culture Conflict. Georgene Seward (Ed.) American Anthropologist. 61: 165-166
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