Wolfgang H. J. Yourgrau
Affiliations: | 1963-1978 | University of Denver, Denver, CO, United States |
History and Philosophy of ScienceWebsite:
"Wolfgang Heinrich Joachim Yourgrau" OR "Wolfgang H. J. Yourgrau" OR "Wolfgang Yourgrau"Bio:
(1908 - 1979)
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-8830-2_1
DOI: 10.1007/BF00709013
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Cross-listing: Physics Tree
Sign in to add mentorErwin Schrödinger | research assistant | 1932 | Universität Berlin (Physics Tree) |
Wolfgang Köhler | grad student | 1932 | Universität Berlin (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorAlwyn van der Merwe | collaborator | University of Denver (Physics Tree) | ||
Henry Margenau | collaborator | 1969 | (Physics Tree) | |
(Foundations of Physics has been published since 1970. Its founding editors were Henry Margenau and Wolfgang Yourgrau. cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Physics) |
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Borzeszkowski H-Hv, Yourgrau W. (1979) Equivalence principle, gravitational collapse, and the classical particle problem Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 12: 361-365 |
Von Borzeszkowski H, Treder H, Yourgrau W. (1979) On singularities in electrodynamics and gravitational theory Astronomische Nachrichten. 300: 57-62 |
Liebscher D, Yourgrau W. (1979) Classical Spontaneous Breakdown of Symmetry and Induction of Inertia Annalen Der Physik. 491: 20-24 |
Treder H, Yourgrau W. (1978) Dirac's classical theory of electrons in the unitary field theory of Einstein with tele-parallelism Physics Letters A. 68: 415-417 |
Jánossy L, Yourgrau W, van der Merwe AJ. (1978) On the dimensionality of physical space Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 44: 167-180 |
Treder H, Yourgrau W. (1978) On general-relativistic and gauge field theories Foundations of Physics. 8: 695-708 |
v. Borzeszkowski HV, Treder H, Yourgrau W. (1978) Gravitational Field Equations of Fourth Order and Supersymmetry Annalen Der Physik. 490: 471-480 |
Treder H, Yourgrau W. (1977) On gravitational shock waves International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 16: 233-239 |
Mayants LS, Yourgrau W, van Der Merwe AJ. (1976) Some Methodological Problems in Quantum Physics Annalen Der Physik. 488: 21-35 |
Woodward JF, Crowley RJ, Yourgrau W. (1975) Mach's principle and the rest mass of the graviton Physical Review D. 11: 1371-1374 |