Yuri Slezkine, PhD

History University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Russian history, Jewish history
"Yuri Slezkine"

b. 1956
MA Moscow State University
PhD University of Texas, Austin


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Brian E. Kassof grad student 2000 UC Berkeley
Ethan M. Pollock grad student 2000 UC Berkeley
Jan Plamper grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
David B. Shneer grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
Rebecca Manley grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Zygmunt R. Bialkowski grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
Stephen C. Brain grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
Jacqueline L. Friedlander grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
Miriam B. Neirick grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
Deborah H. Yalen grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
John Dewey Holmes grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Shawn C. Salmon grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Jarrod Tanny grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Jarrod Tanny grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Sener Akturk grad student 2009 UC Berkeley (PoliSci Tree)
Christine E. Evans grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Tatiana Linkhoeva grad student 2015 UC Berkeley
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Slezkine Y. (2011) The Jewish century The Jewish Century. 1-438
Slezkine Y. (2000) Imperialism as the highest stage of socialism Russian Review. 59: 227-234
Slezkine Y. (1996) John J. Stephan. The Russian Far East: A History. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1994. Pp. xxiii, 481. $49.50 The American Historical Review. 101: 527-528
Znamenski AA, Forsyth J, Lincoln WB, et al. (1995) Siberian History in Russian and Native Dimensions@@@A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia's North Asian Colony@@@The Conquest of a Continent: Siberia and the Russians@@@Arctic Mirrors: Russia and the Small Peoples of the North The Russian Review. 54: 270
Slezkine Y. (1992) The Sovereign's Foreigners: Classifying the Native Peoples in Seventeenth-Century Siberia Russian History-Histoire Russe. 19: 475-485
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