Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Johannes Henrik Bauer
Hermann Michael BiggsPublic health
Jacques Jacob Bronfenbrennerbacteriophages19091913 Hideyo Noguchi (grad student), Simon Flexner (research assistant)
Purnell W. Choppinvirology1957 Igor Tamm (post-doc)
Rufus Colebacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis
Bernard D. Davisbacterial genetics19451947 René Dubos (research scientist)
Simon FlexnerMicrobiology, public health
Howard Walter FloreyPharmacology, Pathology1926 Alfred Newton Richards (research assistant)
Thomas Francis, Jrinfectious diseases, influenza19251938 Oswald T. Avery (research scientist)
Harold S. Ginsberg19461951 Frank L. Horsfall, Jr. (research scientist), Walther F. Goebel (research scientist)
Walther F. Goebelimmunochemistry Oswald T. Avery (research scientist), Michael Heidelberger (research scientist)
Roger M. Herriottbacteriophages John Howard Northrop (research scientist)
Charles Lee Hoaglandinfectious hepatitis1939 Oswald T. Avery (research scientist)
Frank L. Horsfall, Jr.virology1936 Oswald T. Avery (research scientist)
Rollin Hotchkiss Walther F. Goebel (post-doc)
Rebecca Craighill LancefieldStreptococci19201925 Homer Swift (grad student)
Hubert Scott Loringpurification of poliomyelitis virus, structure and metabolism of RNA, biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleosides19351939 Wendell M. Stanley (post-doc)
Julius MarmurMolecular biology, DNA, Bacteriology19521954 Rollin Hotchkiss (post-doc)
Hideyo NoguchiSyphilis, yellow fever, snake venoms Simon Flexner (grad student)
Peter Olitsky
Theophil Mitchell PruddenPathology
Cornelius Packard RhoadsOncology, Pathology, Radiation, Leukemia1929 Simon Flexner (post-doc)
Francis Peyton Rous1909 Simon Flexner (post-doc)
Albert B. SabinPolio, Japanese encephalitis, 19351939 Peter Olitsky (research scientist)
Richard E. Shope
Theobald SmithEpidemiology
Homer SwiftStreptococcus
Igor Tammvirology1949 Frank L. Horsfall, Jr. (post-doc)
Carl TenBroeck
Max TheilerYellow Fever, Rat-Bite Fever, Vaccines
William Buchanan WherryPlague, tularemia Theobald Smith (research scientist)