University of Cambridge

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Samuel Rickard ChristophersEntomology, Malaria, Leishmania, Babesia Ronald Ross (grad student)
Howard Walter FloreyPharmacology, Pathology1927 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (grad student), Albert von Szent-Györgyi (collaborator)
Charlotte J. Houldcrofthost-virus interactions, genomics, virology, herpesviruses
David Keilinentomology and parasitology, cytochrome George Henry Falkiner Nuttall (grad student)
Robert A. Lambvirology1974 Brian W.J. Mahy (grad student)
André Michel LwoffPolio, proviruses, bacteriophages19361936 David Keilin (post-doc)
Brian W.J. Mahyvirology
George Henry Falkiner Nuttallparasites and insect carriers of diseases, immunology
W. P. RogersHelminthology1938 David Keilin (grad student)
Henry Edward ShorttMalaria, Leishmaniasis Samuel Rickard Christophers (grad student)
Michael Stokerviruses and rickettsiae
Nicolaas Hendrik SwellengrebelMalaria, Parasitology19091911 George Henry Falkiner Nuttall (post-doc)