Joseph A. Formaggio, Ph.D.

2010- Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
High Energy Physics
"Joseph Angelo Formaggio"

Mean distance: 15.09


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Michael Herman Shaevitz grad student 2001 Columbia
 (A search for massive exotic particles at the NuTeV neutrino experiment.)


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Thomas J Sonley grad student 2009 MIT
Thomas Walker grad student 2005-2009 MIT
Asher C. Kaboth grad student 2006-2012 MIT
Richard Ott grad student 2005-2013 MIT
Daniel Furse grad student 2007-2015 MIT
John Barrett grad student 2008-2016 MIT
Prajwal T MohanMurthy grad student 2013-2020 MIT
Michael Miller post-doc MIT
Benjamin Monreal post-doc MIT
Valerian Sibille post-doc 2016- MIT
Jocelyn R. Monroe post-doc 2006-2009 MIT
Noah S. Oblath post-doc 2009-2011 MIT
Kimberly Jackson Palladino post-doc 2013-2014 MIT
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Vepsäläinen AP, Karamlou AH, Orrell JL, et al. (2020) Impact of ionizing radiation on superconducting qubit coherence. Nature. 584: 551-556
Aker M, Altenmüller K, Beglarian A, et al. (2020) Suppression of Penning discharges between the KATRIN spectrometers European Physical Journal C. 80: 821
Aker M, Altenmüller K, Arenz M, et al. (2020) First operation of the KATRIN experiment with tritium The European Physical Journal C. 80
Radovinsky AL, Lindman A, Formaggio JA, et al. (2020) A Ioffe Trap Magnet for the Project 8 Atom Trapping Demonstrator Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 30: 1-5
Esfahani AA, Böser S, Buzinsky N, et al. (2020) Cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy signal classification with machine learning in project 8 New Journal of Physics. 22: 033004
Altenmüller K, Arenz M, Baek W, et al. (2020) High-resolution spectroscopy of gaseous 83m Kr conversion electrons with the KATRIN experiment Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 47: 065002
Aker M, Altenmüller K, Arenz M, et al. (2019) Improved Upper Limit on the Neutrino Mass from a Direct Kinematic Method by KATRIN. Physical Review Letters. 123: 221802
Ouellet JL, Salemi CP, Foster JW, et al. (2019) First Results from ABRACADABRA-10 cm: A Search for Sub-μeV Axion Dark Matter. Physical Review Letters. 122: 121802
Altenmüller K, Arenz M, Baek W, et al. (2019) Gamma-induced background in the KATRIN main spectrometer The European Physical Journal C. 79
Kleesiek M, Behrens J, Drexlin G, et al. (2019) \(\upbeta \)-Decay spectrum, response function and statistical model for neutrino mass measurements with the KATRIN experiment European Physical Journal C. 79: 204
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