Beatrice L. Rogers

Tufts University, Boston 
"Beatrice Rogers"


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Simon Barquera grad student 2005 Tufts
Suneetha Kadiyala grad student 2006 Tufts
Janice L. Albert grad student 2007 Tufts
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Rogers BL, Somé JW, Bakun P, et al. (2021) Validation of the INDDEX24 mobile app vs. a pen-and-paper 24-hour dietary recall using the weighed food record as a benchmark in Burkina Faso. The British Journal of Nutrition. 1-41
Cliffer IR, Masters WA, Rogers BL. (2020) Fortified blended flour supplements displace plain cereals in feeding of young children. Maternal & Child Nutrition. e13089
Roberts SB, Franceschini MA, Silver RE, et al. (2020) Effects of food supplementation on cognitive function, cerebral blood flow, and nutritional status in young children at risk of undernutrition: randomized controlled trial. Bmj (Clinical Research Ed.). 370: m2397
Shen Y, Cliffer IR, Suri DJ, et al. (2020) Impact of stakeholder perspectives on cost-effectiveness estimates of four specialized nutritious foods for preventing stunting and wasting in children 6-23 months in Burkina Faso. Nutrition Journal. 19: 20
Cliffer IR, Nikiema L, Langlois BK, et al. (2020) Cost-Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of Stunting and Wasting in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Burkina Faso: A Geographically Randomized Trial. Current Developments in Nutrition. 4: nzaa006
Koehn HJ, Zheng S, Houser RF, et al. (2020) Remuneration systems of community health workers in India and promoted maternal health outcomes: a cross-sectional study Bmc Health Services Research. 20: 1-9
Andrews-Trevino JY, Webb P, Shively G, et al. (2020) Dietary determinants of aflatoxin B-lysine adduct in pregnant women consuming a rice-dominated diet in Nepal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Langlois B, Griswold S, Cliffer I, et al. (2020) Behavioral Factors Related to Use of Specialized Nutritious Foods in a MAM Treatment Program in Sierra Leone Current Developments in Nutrition. 4: 857-857
Miller LC, Neupane S, Joshi N, et al. (2019) Multisectoral community development in Nepal has greater effects on child growth and diet than nutrition education alone - CORRIGENDUM. Public Health Nutrition. 1-6
Green LE, Cliffer IR, Suri DJ, et al. (2019) Advancing Nutrition in the International Food Assistance Agenda: Progress and Future Directions Identified at the 2018 Food Assistance for Nutrition Evidence Summit. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 379572119871715
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