Mickey T. Trockel, Ph.D.

2004 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Public Health, Epidemiology
"Mickey Trockel"
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Janet Reis grad student 2004 UIUC
 (Alcohol abuse prevention among fraternity men: Addressing individual perceptions and moderating group culture determinants of high -risk drinking.)
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Brady KJS, Trockel MT, Khan CT, et al. (2017) What Do We Mean by Physician Wellness? A Systematic Review of Its Definition and Measurement. Academic Psychiatry : the Journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association For Academic Psychiatry
Trockel M, Wall A, Williams SS, et al. (2008) When the party for some becomes a problem for others: the effect of perceived secondhand consequences of drinking behavior on drinking norms. The Journal of Psychology. 142: 57-69
Reis J, Trockel M, Mulhall P. (2007) Individual and School Predictors of Middle School Aggression Youth & Society. 38: 322-347
Reis J, Trockel M, King T, et al. (2004) Computerized training in breast self-examination: a test in a community health center. Cancer Nursing. 27: 162-8
Trockel M, Williams SS, Reis J. (2003) Considerations for more effective social norms based alcohol education on campus: an analysis of different theoretical conceptualizations in predicting drinking among fraternity men. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 64: 50-9
Reis J, Trockel M, Wall A. (2003) Promoting Student Support for Alcohol Misuse Preventionon Campus: The Role of Secondhand Consequence Expectancies Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 40: 59-73
Reis J, Trockel M. (2003) An Empirical Analysis of Fraternity and Sorority Individual-Environmental Interactions With Alcohol Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33: 2536-2552
Trockel M, Wall A, Reis J. (2002) Impact of perceived second-hand consequences related to alcohol use on college students' drinking behavior intent: a test of feasibility. Journal of Drug Education. 32: 179-93
Trockel MT, Barnes MD, Egget DL. (2000) Health-related variables and academic performance among first-year college students: Implications for sleep and other behaviors Journal of American College Health. 49: 125-131
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