William T. Sedgwick
Affiliations: | Biology and Public Health | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Bacteriology and Public HealthGoogle:
"William Sedgwick"Bio:
1855-1921. First President of the American Society of Bacteriology, 1899-1901.
Cross-listing: PHTree - Envirotree
Sign in to add traineeS. Henry. Ayers | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Harrison G. Dyar | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Clara E. Ham | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Allen Hazen | research assistant | MIT | |
Murray P. Horwood | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Theodore Hough | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Daniel Dana Jackson | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Arthur I. Kendall | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Marshall Ora Leighton | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
E. E. Lochridge | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Albert P. Mathews | research assistant | MIT (Chemistry Tree) | |
Stephen De Meritte | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Carl Spencer Milliken | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Earle B. Phelps | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Burt Ransom Rickards | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Anne F. Rogers | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Percy Goldthwait Stiles | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Augustus B. Wadsworth | research assistant | MIT (Envirotree) | |
Edwin Oakes Jordan | research assistant | 1888 | MIT |
George C. Whipple | research assistant | 1889 | MIT |
George Warren Fuller | research assistant | 1890 | MIT (Envirotree) |
Samuel Cate Prescott | research assistant | 1894 | MIT (Chemistry Tree) |
Gary Nathan Calkins | grad student | MIT (DevTree) | |
Charles-Edward A. Winslow | grad student | 1910 | MIT |
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Sedgwick WT. (1987) Utilization of surface water for drinking purposes. |
Abbott AC, Boyd M, Bristol LD, et al. (1921) STANDARDIZATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING: Report of the Committee of Sixteen. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 11: 371-5 |
Sedgwick WT. (1921) Modern Medicine and the Public Health Public Health Reports (1896-1970). 36: 109 |
Sedgwick WT. (1920) EARLY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AT LYONS, FRANCE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 10: 352 |
Sedgwick WT. (1918) RATS AND INSECTS AS PUBLIC ENEMIES. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 8: 34-5 |
Sedgwick WT. (1917) Communications. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 7: 439 |
Sedgwick WT, Nickerson JF, Bryce PH, et al. (1917) FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COLD STORAGE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 7: 306-15 |
Sedgwick WT, Barnard HE, Bryce PH, et al. (1916) REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COLD STORAGE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 6: 1119-21 |
Sedgwick WT. (1916) The Genesis of a New Science-Bacteriology. Journal of Bacteriology. 1: 1-4 |
Sedgwick WT. (1915) AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENTS AND AMERICAN FAILURES IN PUBLIC HEALTH WORK. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 5: 1103-8 |