William T. Sedgwick

Biology and Public Health Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Bacteriology and Public Health
"William Sedgwick"

1855-1921. First President of the American Society of Bacteriology, 1899-1901.

Cross-listing: PHTree - Envirotree


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Henry Newell Martin grad student 1881 Johns Hopkins (Neurotree)


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S. Henry. Ayers research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Harrison G. Dyar research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Clara E. Ham research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Allen Hazen research assistant MIT
Murray P. Horwood research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Theodore Hough research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Daniel Dana Jackson research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Arthur I. Kendall research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Marshall Ora Leighton research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
E. E. Lochridge research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Albert P. Mathews research assistant MIT (Chemistry Tree)
Stephen De Meritte research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Carl Spencer Milliken research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Earle B. Phelps research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Burt Ransom Rickards research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Anne F. Rogers research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Percy Goldthwait Stiles research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Augustus B. Wadsworth research assistant MIT (Envirotree)
Edwin Oakes Jordan research assistant 1888 MIT
George C. Whipple research assistant 1889 MIT
George Warren Fuller research assistant 1890 MIT (Envirotree)
Samuel Cate Prescott research assistant 1894 MIT (Chemistry Tree)
Gary Nathan Calkins grad student MIT (DevTree)
Charles-Edward A. Winslow grad student 1910 MIT


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Ellen Swallow Richards collaborator MIT (Envirotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Sedgwick WT. (1987) Utilization of surface water for drinking purposes.
Abbott AC, Boyd M, Bristol LD, et al. (1921) STANDARDIZATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING: Report of the Committee of Sixteen. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 11: 371-5
Sedgwick WT. (1921) Modern Medicine and the Public Health Public Health Reports (1896-1970). 36: 109
Sedgwick WT. (1920) EARLY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AT LYONS, FRANCE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 10: 352
Sedgwick WT. (1918) RATS AND INSECTS AS PUBLIC ENEMIES. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 8: 34-5
Sedgwick WT. (1917) Communications. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 7: 439
Sedgwick WT, Nickerson JF, Bryce PH, et al. (1917) FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COLD STORAGE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 7: 306-15
Sedgwick WT, Barnard HE, Bryce PH, et al. (1916) REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COLD STORAGE. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 6: 1119-21
Sedgwick WT. (1916) The Genesis of a New Science-Bacteriology. Journal of Bacteriology. 1: 1-4
Sedgwick WT. (1915) AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENTS AND AMERICAN FAILURES IN PUBLIC HEALTH WORK. American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y. : 1912). 5: 1103-8
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