Anton Hendrik Willemse
Affiliations: | 1980-1994 | Veterinary medicine | Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands |
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"Anton Hendrik Willemse"Bio:
(1932 - 2017)
Sign in to add mentorCornelis Hendrik Willem de Bois | grad student | 1975 | Utrecht | |
Wilhelm Adolf de Voogd van der Straaten | grad student | 1975 | Utrecht | |
(The hormonal control of the secretory activity of the epithelium of the ampulla tubae in Texel ewes.) |
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Smolders EA, Thesingh MS, Vos PL, et al. (1996) [The onset of the ovarian cycle following calving]. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde. 121: 610-4 |
Vos PL, van der Schans A, de Wit AA, et al. (1994) Effects of neutralization of pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) shortly before or at the preovulatory LH surge in PMSG-superovulated heifers on follicular function and development. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 100: 387-93 |
Bevers MM, Dieleman SJ, Gielen JT, et al. (1993) Yield of embryos in PMSG-superovulated cows treated with anti-PMSG six or 18 hours after the peak of luteinising hormone. The Veterinary Record. 132: 186-9 |
Pieterse M, Vos P, Kruip T, et al. (1992) Repeated transvaginal ultrasound-guided ovum pick-up in egg-treated cows Theriogenology. 37: 273 |
Pieterse MC, Vos PL, Kruip TA, et al. (1991) Transvaginal ultrasound guided follicular aspiration of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology. 35: 857-62 |
Pieterse MC, Vos PL, Kruip TA, et al. (1991) Characteristics of bovine estrous cycles during repeated transvaginal, ultrasound-guided puncturing of follicles for ovum pick-up. Theriogenology. 35: 401-13 |
Pieterse MC, Szenci O, Willemse AH, et al. (1990) Early pregnancy diagnosis in cattle by means of linear-array real-time ultrasound scanning of the uterus and a qualitative and quantitative milk progesterone test. Theriogenology. 33: 697-707 |
Pieterse MC, Taverne MA, Kruip TA, et al. (1990) Detection of corpora lutea and follicles in cows: a comparison of transvaginal ultrasonography and rectal palpation. The Veterinary Record. 126: 552-4 |
Nasir Hussain Shah S, Willemse AH, Van de Wiel DF. (1990) Reproductive performance of Nili-Ravi buffaloes after a single injection of GnRH early post partum. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 22: 239-46 |
Okkens AC, Bevers MM, Dieleman SJ, et al. (1990) Evidence for prolactin as the main luteotrophic factor in the cyclic dog. The Veterinary Quarterly. 12: 193-201 |