W. Barry Wood, Jr.
Affiliations: | Microbiology | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
phagocytosis, leukocytesWebsite:
"William Barry Wood, Jr."Bio:
(1910 - 1971)
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree
Sign in to add mentorLawrence Joseph Henderson | research assistant | 1928-1932 | Harvard (Physiology Academic Tree) | |
William Mansfield Clark | grad student | Johns Hopkins Medical School (Chemistry Tree) | ||
(M.D.) | ||||
Hans Zinsser | post-doc | 1940 | Harvard |
Sign in to add traineeRobert J. Glaser | post-doc | 1946 | Washington University School of Medicine |
Richard D. Berlin | post-doc | 1954 | Johns Hopkins (Cell Biology Tree) |
Elisha Atkins | post-doc | 1950-1955 | Washington University (Physiology Academic Tree) |
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Mazar A, Jaro D, Tomaino G, et al. (2023) Distance to vaccine sites is tied to decreased COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Pnas Nexus. 2: pgad411 |
ATKINS E, WOOD WB. (2003) Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. I. The presence of transferable pyrogen in the blood stream following the injection of typhoid vaccine. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 101: 519-28 |
ATKINS E, WOOD WB. (2003) Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. I. The presence of transferable pyrogen in the blood stream following the injection of typhoid vaccine. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 101: 519-28 |
TYRRELL D, KEEBLE SA, WOOD W. (2003) Antigenicity studies on Salk-type poliomylitis vaccine. British Medical Journal. 1: 598-601 |
ATKINS E, WOOD WB. (2003) Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. II. Identification of an endogenous pyrogen in the blood stream following the injection of typhoid vaccine. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 102: 499-516 |
ATKINS E, WOOD WB. (2003) Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. II. Identification of an endogenous pyrogen in the blood stream following the injection of typhoid vaccine. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 102: 499-516 |
Moore DM, Cheuk SF, Morton JD, et al. (1970) Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. 18. Activation of leukocytes for pyrogen production. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 131: 179-88 |
Smith MR, Shin HS, Wood WB. (1970) Natural immunity to bacterial infections: the relation of complement to heat-labile opsonins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 63: 1151-6 |
Shin HS, Smith MR, Wood WB. (1970) Heat labile opsonins to pneumococcus. II. Involvement of C3 and C5. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 130: 1229-41 |
Smith MR, Wood WB. (1970) Heat labile opsonins to pneumococcus. I. Participation of complement. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 130: 1209-27 |