Philip Hanson Hiss, M.D.

Bacteriology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, United States 
Immunology and bacteriology
"Philip Hiss"

(1868 - 1913)
HISS, Philip Hanson, Jr., Am. bacteriologist; b. Balt., Sept. 17, 1868; A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1891; M.D., Columbia, 1895; asst. bacteriologist Columbia, 1895-99, instr. hygiene and bacterioloqy 1899-1903, named adj. prof. bacteriology, 1903; asst. bacteriologlst Dept. Health N.Y., 1896-99; prof. hygiene Woman's Med. Coll., N.Y. Mem. Pub. Health Assn., N.Y. Path. Soc., Harvey Soc., other profl. socs. Research on bacteriology of dysentery; improved techniques in differentiation of typhoid and colon bacilli; developed method of isolating typhoid bacilli; studied relation of serum-globulin and diphtheritis antitoxin, also differentiation of pneumococcus and streptococcus, capsule staining methods. Died 1913

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Hiss PH, Zinsser H. (1909) A Report of Eleven Cases of Staphylococcus Infection treated with Leucocyte extract. The Journal of Medical Research. 20: 245-50
Hiss PH, Zinsser H. (1908) On the Treatment of lobar Pneumonia with Leucocyte extract. The Journal of Medical Research. 19: 455-69
Hiss PH, Zinsser H. (1908) A Report of twenty-four Cases of Epidemic Meningitis treated with Leucocyte extract. The Journal of Medical Research. 19: 429-54
Zinsser H, Hiss PH. (1908) Observations on the Mechanism of Protection by Leucocyte extracts. The Journal of Medical Research. 19: 411-28
Hiss PH, Zinsser H. (1908) On the Precipitation of bacterial extracts by extracts of Leucocytes. The Journal of Medical Research. 19: 399-410.1
Hiss PH. (1908) The Curative Influence of extracts of Leucocytes upon Infections in Animals. The Journal of Medical Research. 19: 323-97
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