Lisa A. Shipley - Publications

Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Biochemistry, Terrestrial Ecology

75 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Olsoy PJ, Milling CR, Nobler JD, Camp MJ, Shipley LA, Forbey JS, Rachlow JL, Thornton DH. Food quality, security, and thermal refuge influence the use of microsites and patches by pygmy rabbits () across landscapes and seasons. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8892. PMID 35600688 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8892  0.776
2020 Camp MJ, Shipley LA, Varner J, Waterhouse BD. Activity Patterns and Foraging Behavior of American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) Differ between Craters of the Moon and Alpine Talus in Idaho Western North American Naturalist. 80: 49. DOI: 10.3398/064.080.0106  0.312
2020 Merems JL, Shipley LA, Levi T, Ruprecht J, Clark DA, Wisdom MJ, Jackson NJ, Stewart KM, Long RA. Nutritional-Landscape Models Link Habitat Use to Condition of Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8. DOI: 10.3389/Fevo.2020.00098  0.422
2020 Ulappa AC, Shipley LA, Cook RC, Cook JG, Swanson ME. Silvicultural herbicides and forest succession influence understory vegetation and nutritional ecology of black-tailed deer in managed forests Forest Ecology and Management. 118216. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2020.118216  0.646
2020 Hull IT, Shipley LA, Berry SL, Loggers C, Johnson TR. Effects of fuel reduction timber harvests on forage resources for deer in northeastern Washington Forest Ecology and Management. 458: 117757. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2019.117757  0.326
2020 Olsoy PJ, Forbey JS, Shipley LA, Rachlow JL, Robb BC, Nobler JD, Thornton DH. Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores Landscape Ecology. 35: 921-936. DOI: 10.1007/S10980-020-00990-1  0.343
2019 Schrempp TV, Rachlow JL, Johnson TR, Shipley LA, Long RA, Aycrigg JL, Hurley MA. Linking forest management to moose population trends: The role of the nutritional landscape. Plos One. 14: e0219128. PMID 31310634 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0219128  0.39
2019 Wenninger PS, Shipley LA. Harvesting, rumination, digestion, and passage of fruit and leaf diets by a small ruminant, the blue duiker. Oecologia. 123: 466-474. PMID 28308754 DOI: 10.1007/S004420000338  0.449
2019 Shipley LA, Spalinger DE. Influence of size and density of browse patches on intake rates and foraging decisions of young moose and white-tailed deer. Oecologia. 104: 112-121. PMID 28306920 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00365569  0.39
2019 Hull IT, Shipley LA. Testing the Ability of Airborne LiDAR to Measure Forage Resources for Wild Ungulates in Conifer Forests Journal of Forestry. 117: 492-503. DOI: 10.1093/Jofore/Fvz040  0.301
2019 Konôpka B, Pajtík J, Bošeľa M, Šebeň V, Shipley LA. Modeling forage potential for red deer (Cervus elaphus): a tree-level approach European Journal of Forest Research. 139: 419-430. DOI: 10.1007/S10342-019-01250-X  0.324
2019 Berry SL, Shipley LA, Long RA, Loggers C. Differences in dietary niche and foraging behavior of sympatric mule and white‐tailed deer Ecosphere. 10. DOI: 10.1002/Ecs2.2815  0.331
2018 Nobler JD, Camp MJ, Crowell MM, Shipley LA, Dadabay C, Rachlow JL, James L, Forbey JS. Preferences of Specialist and Generalist Mammalian Herbivores for Mixtures Versus Individual Plant Secondary Metabolites. Journal of Chemical Ecology. PMID 30397901 DOI: 10.1007/S10886-018-1030-5  0.792
2018 Camp MJ, Shipley LA, Milling CR, Rachlow JL, Forbey JS. Interacting effects of ambient temperature and food quality on the foraging ecology of small mammalian herbivores. Journal of Thermal Biology. 71: 83-90. PMID 29301704 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtherbio.2017.10.021  0.449
2018 Crowell MM, Shipley LA, Forbey JS, Rachlow JL, Kelsey RG. Dietary partitioning of toxic leaves and fibrous stems differs between sympatric specialist and generalist mammalian herbivores Journal of Mammalogy. 99: 565-577. DOI: 10.1093/Jmammal/Gyy018  0.316
2018 Konôpka B, Pajtík J, Shipley LA. Intensity of red deer browsing on young rowans differs between freshly-felled and standing individuals Forest Ecology and Management. 429: 511-519. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2018.07.048  0.301
2017 Camp MJ, Shipley LA, Johnson TR, Olsoy PJ, Forbey JS, Rachlow JL, Thornton DH. The balancing act of foraging: mammalian herbivores trade-off multiple risks when selecting food patches. Oecologia. PMID 28963624 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-017-3957-6  0.386
2017 McMahon LA, Rachlow JL, Shipley LA, Forbey JS, Johnson TR, Olsoy PJ. Evaluation of micro-GPS receivers for tracking small-bodied mammals. Plos One. 12: e0173185. PMID 28301495 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0173185  0.744
2017 Forbey JS, Patricelli GL, Delparte DM, Krakauer AH, Olsoy PJ, Fremgen MR, Nobler JD, Spaete LP, Shipley LA, Rachlow JL, Dirksen AK, Perry A, Richardson BA, Glenn NF. Emerging technology to measure habitat quality and behavior of grouse: examples from studies of greater sage-grouse Wildlife Biology. 2017. DOI: 10.2981/Wlb.00238  0.377
2017 Olsoy PJ, Shipley LA, Rachlow JL, Forbey JS, Glenn NF, Burgess MA, Thornton DH. Unmanned aerial systems measure structural habitat features for wildlife across multiple scales Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 594-604. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12919  0.329
2017 Milling CR, Rachlow JL, Johnson TR, Forbey JS, Shipley LA. Seasonal variation in behavioral thermoregulation and predator avoidance in a small mammal Behavioral Ecology. 28: 1236-1247. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arx084  0.316
2017 McMahon LA, Rachlow JL, Shipley LA, Forbey JS, Johnson TR. Habitat selection differs across hierarchical behaviors: selection of patches and intensity of patch use Ecosphere. 8: e01993. DOI: 10.1002/Ecs2.1993  0.361
2016 Crowell MM, Shipley LA, Camp MJ, Rachlow JL, Forbey JS, Johnson TR. Selection of food patches by sympatric herbivores in response to concealment and distance from a refuge. Ecology and Evolution. PMID 27069587 DOI: 10.1002/Ece3.1940  0.789
2016 Utz JL, Shipley LA, Rachlow JL, Johnstone-Yellin T, Camp M, Forbey JS. Understanding tradeoffs between food and predation risks in a specialist mammalian herbivore Wildlife Biology. 22: 167-173. DOI: 10.2981/Wlb.00121  0.428
2016 Olsoy PJ, Griggs TC, Ulappa AC, Gehlken K, Shipley LA, Shewmaker GE, Forbey JS. Nutritional analysis of sagebrush by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy Journal of Arid Environments. 134: 125-131. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaridenv.2016.07.003  0.377
2015 Camp MJ, Shipley LA, Johnson TR, Forbey JS, Rachlow JL, Crowell MM. Modeling trade-offs between plant fiber and toxins: a framework for quantifying risks perceived by foraging herbivores. Ecology. 96: 3292-302. PMID 26909434 DOI: 10.1890/14-2412.1  0.776
2015 Stonehouse KF, Shipley LA, Lowe J, Atamian MT, Swanson ME, Schroeder MA. Habitat selection and use by sympatric, translocated greater sage-grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse Journal of Wildlife Management. 79: 1308-1326. DOI: 10.1002/Jwmg.990  0.344
2014 Ulappa AC, Kelsey RG, Frye GG, Rachlow JL, Shipley LA, Bond L, Pu X, Forbey JS. Plant protein and secondary metabolites influence diet selection in a mammalian specialist herbivore. Journal of Mammalogy. 95: 834-842. PMID 26366011 DOI: 10.1644/14-Mamm-A-025  0.784
2014 Olsoy PJ, Forbey JS, Rachlow JL, Nobler JD, Glenn NF, Shipley LA. Fearscapes: Mapping Functional Properties of Cover for Prey with Terrestrial LiDAR Bioscience. 65: 74-80. DOI: 10.1093/Biosci/Biu189  0.334
2014 Camp MJ, Rachlow JL, Shipley LA, Johnson TR, Bockting KD. Grazing in sagebrush rangelands in western North America: Implications for habitat quality for a sagebrush specialist, the pygmy rabbit Rangeland Journal. 36: 151-159. DOI: 10.1071/Rj13065  0.385
2014 Rachlow JL, Peter RM, Shipley LA, Johnson TR. Sub-lethal effects of capture and collaring on wildlife: Experimental and field evidence Wildlife Society Bulletin. 38: 458-465. DOI: 10.1002/Wsb.444  0.341
2013 Elias BA, Shipley LA, McCusker S, Sayler RD, Johnson TR. Effects of genetic management on reproduction, growth, and survival in captive endangered pygmy rabbits (). Journal of Mammalogy. 94: 1282-1292. PMID 32287380 DOI: 10.1644/12-Mamm-A-224.1  0.768
2013 Camp MJ, Rachlow JL, Woods BA, Johnson TR, Shipley LA. Examining functional components of cover: The relationship between concealment and visibility in shrub-steppe habitat Ecosphere. 4. DOI: 10.1890/Es12-00114.1  0.348
2013 Ellsworth E, Wirsing AJ, Shipley LA, Murray DL. Do measures of plant intake and digestibility from captive feeding trials align with foraging patterns of free-ranging snowshoe hares? Wildlife Research. 40: 349-357. DOI: 10.1071/Wr13106  0.448
2013 Cook RC, Cook JG, Vales DJ, Johnson BK, McCorquodale SM, Shipley LA, Riggs RA, Irwin LL, Murphie SL, Murphie BL, Schoenecker KA, Geyer F, Hall PB, Spencer RD, Immell DA, et al. Regional and seasonal patterns of nutritional condition and reproduction in elk Wildlife Monographs. 1-45. DOI: 10.1002/Wmon.1008  0.607
2013 Wagoner SJ, Shipley LA, Cook RC, Hardesty L. Spring cattle grazing and mule deer nutrition in a bluebunch wheatgrass community Journal of Wildlife Management. 77: 897-907. DOI: 10.1002/Jwmg.545  0.643
2012 Shipley LA, Davis EM, Felicetti LA, McLean S, Forbey JS. Mechanisms for eliminating monoterpenes of sagebrush by specialist and generalist rabbits. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 38: 1178-89. PMID 23053918 DOI: 10.1007/S10886-012-0192-9  0.775
2012 Scarlata CD, Elias BA, Godwin JR, Powell RA, Shepherdson D, Shipley LA, Brown JL. Relationship between fecal hormone concentrations and reproductive success in captive pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) Journal of Mammalogy. 93: 759-770. DOI: 10.1644/11-Mamm-A-223.1  0.3
2012 Camp MJ, Rachlow JL, Woods BA, Johnson TR, Shipley LA. When to Run and When to Hide: The Influence of Concealment, Visibility, and Proximity to Refugia on Perceptions of Risk Ethology. 118: 1010-1017. DOI: 10.1111/Eth.12000  0.306
2011 Scarlata CD, Elias BA, Godwin JR, Powell RA, Shepherdson D, Shipley LA, Brown JL. Characterizing gonadal and adrenal activity by fecal steroid analyses in pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 171: 373-80. PMID 21377469 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ygcen.2011.03.002  0.334
2011 McCusker S, Shipley LA, Tollefson TN, Griffin M, Koutsos EA. Effects of starch and fibre in pelleted diets on nutritional status of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) fawns. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 95: 489-98. PMID 21091543 DOI: 10.1111/J.1439-0396.2010.01076.X  0.792
2011 Tollefson TN, Shipley LA, Myers WL, Dasgupta N. Forage quality's influence on mule deer fawns Journal of Wildlife Management. 75: 919-928. DOI: 10.1002/Jwmg.113  0.795
2010 Tollefson TN, Shipley LA, Myers WL, Keisler DH, Dasgupta N. Influence of summer and autumn nutrition on body condition and reproduction in lactating mule deer Journal of Wildlife Management. 74: 974-986. DOI: 10.2193/2008-529  0.789
2009 Shipley LA, Forbey JS, Moore BD. Revisiting the dietary niche: When is a mammalian herbivore a specialist? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 49: 274-90. PMID 21665820 DOI: 10.1093/Icb/Icp051  0.45
2009 DeGabriel JL, Moore BD, Shipley LA, Krockenberger AK, Wallis IR, Johnson CN, Foley WJ. Inter-population differences in the tolerance of a marsupial folivore to plant secondary metabolites. Oecologia. 161: 539-48. PMID 19585152 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-009-1407-9  0.402
2009 Johnstone-Yellin TL, Shipley LA, Myers WL, Robinson HS. To twin or not to twin? Trade-offs in litter size and fawn survival in mule deer Journal of Mammalogy. 90: 453-460. DOI: 10.1644/08-Mamm-A-030.1  0.744
2009 McClure MF, Shipley LA. Animal response to nested self-similar patches: A test with woolly bears Oikos. 118: 653-662. DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0706.2008.17117.X  0.739
2008 Thines NJ, Shipley LA, Bassman JH, Slusser JR, Gao W. UV-B effects on the nutritional chemistry of plants and the responses of a mammalian herbivore. Oecologia. 156: 125-35. PMID 18274780 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-008-0978-1  0.77
2007 Thines NJ, Shipley LA, Bassman JH, Fellman JK, Mattison DS, Slusser JR, Gao W. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on plant chemistry: nutritional consequences for a specialist and generalist lagomorph. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 33: 1025-39. PMID 17406969 DOI: 10.1007/S10886-007-9280-7  0.772
2007 Cook RC, Stephenson TR, Myers WL, Cook JG, Shipley LA. Validating predictive models of nutritional condition for mule deer Journal of Wildlife Management. 71: 1934-1943. DOI: 10.2193/2006-262  0.599
2007 Shipley LA. The influence of bite size on foraging at larger spatial and temporal scales by mammalian herbivores Oikos. 116: 1964-1974. DOI: 10.1111/J.2007.0030-1299.15974.X  0.436
2007 Robbins CT, Fortin JK, Rode KD, Farley SD, Shipley LA, Felicetti LA. Optimizing protein intake as a foraging strategy to maximize mass gain in an omnivore Oikos. 116: 1675-1682. DOI: 10.1111/J.0030-1299.2007.16140.X  0.44
2006 Shipley LA, Davila TB, Thines NJ, Elias BA. Nutritional requirements and diet choices of the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis): a sagebrush specialist. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 32: 2455-74. PMID 17082988 DOI: 10.1007/S10886-006-9156-2  0.728
2006 Searle KR, Vandervelde T, Hobbs NT, Shipley LA, Wunder BA. Spatial context influences patch residence time in foraging hierarchies. Oecologia. 148: 710-9. PMID 16705439 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-005-0285-Z  0.732
2006 Laca E, Shipley L, Reid E. Structural anti-quality characteristics of range and pasture plants. Journal of Range Management. 54. DOI: 10.2458/Azu_Jrm_V54I4_Laca  0.379
2006 Johnstone-Yellin TL, Shipley LA, Myers WL. Effectiveness of vaginal implant transmitters for locating neonatal mule deer fawns Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34: 338-344. DOI: 10.2193/0091-7648(2006)34[338:Eovitf]2.0.Co;2  0.723
2006 Searle KR, Hobbs NT, Wunder BA, Shipley LA. Preference in patchy landscapes: the influence of scale-specific intake rates and variance in reward Behavioral Ecology. 17: 315-323. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arj030  0.397
2005 Searle KR, Vandervelde T, Hobbs NT, Shipley LA. Gain functions for large herbivores: Tests of alternative models Journal of Animal Ecology. 74: 181-189. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2656.2005.00911.X  0.388
2005 Searle KR, Thompson Hobbs N, Shipley LA. Should I stay or should I go? Patch departure decisions by herbivores at multiple scales Oikos. 111: 417-424. DOI: 10.1111/J.0030-1299.2005.13918.X  0.334
2004 Thines NJ, Bassman JH, Shipley LA, Slusser JR. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on secondary metabolites in forage plants and potential consequences for multiple trophic responses involving mammalian herbivores Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 5545: 117-130. DOI: 10.1117/12.563273  0.791
2004 Siegel Thines NJ, Shipley LA, Sayler RD. Effects of cattle grazing on ecology and habitat of Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) Biological Conservation. 119: 525-534. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biocon.2004.01.014  0.428
2003 Felicetti LA, Robbins CT, Shipley LA. Dietary protein content alters energy expenditure and composition of the mass gain in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 76: 256-61. PMID 12794679 DOI: 10.1086/374279  0.786
2003 Thompson Hobbs N, Gross JE, Shipley LA, Spalinger DE, Wunder BA. HERBIVORE FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE IN HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENTS: A CONTEST AMONG MODELS Ecology. 84: 666-681. DOI: 10.1890/0012-9658(2003)084[0666:Hfrihe]2.0.Co;2  0.396
2003 Sponheimer M, Robinson T, Ayliffe L, Passey B, Roeder B, Shipley L, Lopez E, Cerling T, Dearing D, Ehleringer J. An experimental study of carbon-isotope fractionation between diet, hair, and feces of mammalian herbivores Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81: 871-876. DOI: 10.1139/Z03-066  0.368
2002 Shipley LA, Felicetti L. Fiber Digestibility and Nitrogen Requirements of Blue Duikers (Cephalophus monticola) Zoo Biology. 21: 123-134. DOI: 10.1002/Zoo.10025  0.408
2001 Rode KD, Robbins CT, Shipley LA. Constraints on herbivory by grizzly bears. Oecologia. 128: 62-71. PMID 28547091 DOI: 10.1007/S004420100637  0.726
2001 Darl Fletcher J, Shipley LA, McShea WJ, Shumway DL. Wildlife herbivory and rare plants: The effects of white-tailed deer, rodents, and insects on growth and survival of Turk's cap lily Biological Conservation. 101: 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3207(01)00070-2  0.373
2000 Felicetti LA, Shipley LA, Witmer GW, Robbins CT. Digestibility, nitrogen excretion, and mean retention time by North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) consuming natural forages. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 73: 772-80. PMID 11121350 DOI: 10.1086/318094  0.359
1999 Shipley LA, Illius AW, Danell K, Hobbs NT, Spalinger DE. Predicting Bite Size Selection of Mammalian Herbivores: A Test of a General Model of Diet Optimization Oikos. 84: 55. DOI: 10.2307/3546866  0.478
1998 Shipley LA, Blomquist S, Danell K. Diet choices made by free-ranging moose in northern Sweden in relation to plant distribution, chemistry, and morphology Canadian Journal of Zoology. 76: 1722-1733. DOI: 10.1139/Z98-110  0.346
1997 Spalinger DE, Cooper SM, Martin DJ, Shipley LA. Is Social Learning an Important Influence on Foraging Behavior in White-Tailed Deer? The Journal of Wildlife Management. 61: 611. DOI: 10.2307/3802169  0.41
1996 Shipley LA, Spalinger DE, Gross JE, Hobbs NT, Wunder BA. The Dynamics and Scaling of Foraging Velocity and Encounter Rate in Mammalian Herbivores Functional Ecology. 10: 234. DOI: 10.2307/2389848  0.358
1994 Shipley LA, Gross JE, Spalinger DE, Hobbs NT, Wunder BA. The Scaling of Intake Rate in Mammalian Herbivores The American Naturalist. 143: 1055-1082. DOI: 10.1086/285648  0.405
1993 Gross JE, Shipley LA, Hobbs NT, Spalinger DE, Wunder BA. Functional Response of Herbivores in Food-Concentrated Patches: Tests of a Mechanistic Model Ecology. 74: 778-791. DOI: 10.2307/1940805  0.424
1992 Shipley LA, Spalinger DE. Mechanics of browsing in dense food patches: effects of plant and animal morphology on intake rate Canadian Journal of Zoology. 70: 1743-1752. DOI: 10.1139/Z92-242  0.426
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