Rudolph Pintner

Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
"Rudolph Pintner"


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Donald G. Paterson grad student Ohio State
Joseph Zubin grad student 1932 Columbia (Neurotree)
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Pintner R, Forlano G. (1943) Personality tests of partially sighted children Journal of Applied Psychology. 27: 283-287
Pintner R. (1942) Intelligence testing of partially-sighted children Journal of Educational Psychology. 33: 265-272
Pintner R. (1931) A group intelligence test suitable for younger deaf children Journal of Educational Psychology. 22: 360-363
Pintner R, Rinsland HD, Zubin J. (1929) The evaluation of self-administering spelling tests Journal of Educational Psychology. 20: 107-111
Pintner R. (1923) Comparison of American and Foreign Children on Intelligence Tests Journal of Educational Psychology. 14: 292-295
Pintner R, Keller R. (1922) Intelligence Tests of Foreign Children Journal of Educational Psychology. 13: 214-222
Pintner R, Paterson DG. (1917) A comparison of deaf and hearing children in visual memory for digits Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2: 76-88
Pintner R, Paterson DG. (1916) A measurement of the language ability of deaf children Psychological Review. 23: 413-436
Pintner R, Paterson DG. (1915) The Factor of Experience in Intelligence Testing. The Psychological Clinic. 9: 44-50
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