Breanna E. Studenka, Ph.D.

Health and Kinesiology Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
"Breanna Studenka"
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Howard N. Zelaznik grad student 2008 Purdue
 (Error correction timing behavior in tapping and circle drawing.)
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Modersitzki R, Studenka BE. (2020) The influence of time constraints on posture choices during an end-state comfort task. Human Movement Science. 71: 102618
Studenka BE, Cummins DL, Myers K. (2020) Visual feedback is not important for bimanual human interval timing. Psychological Research
Studenka BE, Raikes A. (2019) Gender differences in nonlinear motor performance following concussion. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 8: 540-547
Studenka BE, Myers K. (2019) Preliminary Evidence That Motor Planning Is Slower and More Difficult for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder During Motor Cooperation. Motor Control. 1-23
Raikes AC, Schaefer SY, Studenka BE. (2018) Concussion history is negatively associated with visual-motor force complexity: evidence for persistent effects on visual-motor integration. Brain Injury. 1-8
Pope MA, Studenka BE. (2018) Experience with Event Timing Does not Alter Emergent Timing: Further Evidence for Robustness of Event and Emergent Timing. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1-8
Studenka BE, Cummins DL, Pope MA. (2017) The Role of Multiple Internal Timekeepers and Sources of Feedback on Interval Timing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-28
Studenka BE, Gillam SL, Hartzheim D, et al. (2017) Motor and verbal perspective taking in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Changes in social interaction with people and tools. Research in Developmental Disabilities
Studenka BE, Cummins DL. (2017) Preliminary Evidence for Inflexibility of Motor Planning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism-Open Access. 7
Studenka BE, Dorsch TE, Ferguson NL, et al. (2017) Nonlinear assessment of motor variability during practice and competition for individuals with different motivational orientations Learning and Motivation. 58: 16-26
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