Caroline J. Ketcham, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States |
Motor controlGoogle:
"Caroline Ketcham"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorG E. Stelmach | grad student | 2003 | Arizona State | |
(Pattern of oculomotor control in continuous multijoint drawing movements.) |
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Hupfeld KE, Ketcham CJ, Schneider HD. (2016) Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to the supplementary motor area (SMA) influences performance on motor tasks. Experimental Brain Research |
Rodriguez TM, Buchanan JJ, Ketcham CJ. (2010) Identifying leading joint strategies in a bimanual coordination task: does coordination stability depend on leading joint strategy? Journal of Motor Behavior. 42: 49-60 |
Ketcham CJ, Rodriguez TM, Zihlman KA. (2007) Targeted aiming movements are compromised in nonaffected limb of persons with stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 21: 388-97 |
Lee G, Fradet L, Ketcham CJ, et al. (2007) Efficient control of arm movements in advanced age. Experimental Brain Research. 177: 78-94 |
Ketcham CJ, Dounskaia NV, Stelmach GE. (2006) The role of vision in the control of continuous multijoint movements. Journal of Motor Behavior. 38: 29-44 |
Dounskaia N, Ketcham CJ, Leis BC, et al. (2005) Disruptions in joint control during drawing arm movements in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research. 164: 311-22 |
Ketcham CJ, Dounskaia NV, Stelmach GE. (2004) Age-related differences in the control of multijoint movements. Motor Control. 8: 422-36 |
Ketcham CJ, Dounskaia NV, Stelmach GE. (2004) Multijoint movement control: the importance of interactive torques. Progress in Brain Research. 143: 207-18 |
Ketcham CJ, Hodgson TL, Kennard C, et al. (2003) Memory-motor transformations are impaired in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research. 149: 30-9 |
Ketcham CJ, Dounskaia NV, Stelmach GE. (2003) Control of multijoint drawing movements: a comparison of young and elderly adults International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner. 2003: 249-252 |