George E. Stelmach, Ph.D.

1967-1971 University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
 1971-1990 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 1990-2010 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Neuroscience Biology
"George Stelmach"

George Stelmach, Emeritus Professor at Arizona State University, retired July 1, 2010.
After earning a bachelor's degree at the University of Illinois and master's and doctoral degrees at the University of California-Berkeley, Professor Stelmach went on to have an illustrious career, holding professorate positions at the University of California, Santa Barbara, (1967-1971), the University of Wisconsin, Madison, (1971-1990) and Arizona State University, (1990-2010). In addition, he had research appointments at the Imperial College of Medicine, Oxford University, and Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, Lyon, France. At ASU, he directed the Motor Control Laboratory known for training graduate students and post doctorates to become independent scientists. In the laboratory, he was known as a talented scientist, a dedicated supervisor and successful mentor.

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Kornatz KW, Poston B, Stelmach GE. (2021) Age and Not the Preferred Limb Influences the Kinematic Structure of Pointing Movements. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 6
Rand MK, Van Gemmert AW, Hossain AB, et al. (2014) Coordination deficits during trunk-assisted reach-to-grasp movements in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research. 232: 61-74
Poston B, Van Gemmert AW, Sharma S, et al. (2013) Movement trajectory smoothness is not associated with the endpoint accuracy of rapid multi-joint arm movements in young and older adults. Acta Psychologica. 143: 157-67
Rand MK, Stelmach GE. (2012) Effect of aging on coordinated eye and hand movements with two-segment sequence. Motor Control. 16: 447-65
Rand MK, Van Gemmert AW, Hossain AB, et al. (2012) Control of aperture closure initiation during trunk-assisted reach-to-grasp movements. Experimental Brain Research. 219: 293-304
Rand MK, Stelmach GE. (2011) Adaptation of gaze anchoring through practice in young and older adults. Neuroscience Letters. 492: 47-51
Ringenbach SD, van Gemmert AW, Shill HA, et al. (2011) Auditory instructional cues benefit unimanual and bimanual drawing in Parkinson's disease patients. Human Movement Science. 30: 770-82
Rand MK, Stelmach GE. (2011) Effects of hand termination and accuracy requirements on eye-hand coordination in older adults. Behavioural Brain Research. 219: 39-46
Hughes B, Van Gemmert AW, Stelmach GE. (2011) Linguistic and perceptual-motor contributions to the kinematic properties of the braille reading finger. Human Movement Science. 30: 711-30
Rand MK, Stelmach GE. (2010) Effects of hand termination and accuracy constraint on eye-hand coordination during sequential two-segment movements. Experimental Brain Research. 207: 197-211
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