Richard A. Magill, Ph.D.

1974-1978 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
 1978- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States 
 2007- New York University, New York, NY, United States 
 2013- Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
Physical Education, Physiological Psychology
"Richard Magill"
Cross-listing: Neurotree

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Macpherson CE, Shih HS, Pacheco A, et al. (2022) On "Updates in Motor Learning: Implications for Physical Therapist Practice and Education." Leech KA, Roemmich RT, Gordon J, Reisman DS, Cherry-Allen KM. Phys Ther. 2022; 1093:pzab250. Physical Therapy
Didier JJ, Li L, Magill RA. (2013) Environmental context affects outcome and kinematic changes at different rates during skill learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 116: 953-68
Magill RA. (2012) Motor Learning is Meaningful for Physical Educators Quest. 42: 126-133
Wu WF, Magill RA. (2011) Allowing learners to choose: self-controlled practice schedules for learning multiple movement patterns. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 82: 449-57
Porter JM, Magill RA. (2010) Systematically increasing contextual interference is beneficial for learning sport skills. Journal of Sports Sciences. 28: 1277-85
Amano S, Shah N, Magill R, et al. (2008) People with Peripheral Neuropathy Have Normal Motor Control Capacity Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40
Anderson DI, Magill RA, Sekiya H, et al. (2005) Support for an Explanation of the Guidance Effect in Motor Skill Learning Journal of Motor Behavior. 37: 231-238
Magill RA. (2005) Movement and Mobility as Essentials for Daily Living: Preface Quest. 57: 1-1
Lagarde J, Li Li, Thon B, et al. (2002) Interactions between human explicit and implicit perceptual motor learning shown by kinematic variables. Neuroscience Letters. 327: 66-70
Anderson DI, Magill RA, Sekiya H. (2001) Motor Learning as a Function of KR Schedule and Characteristics of Task-Intrinsic Feedback Journal of Motor Behavior. 33: 59-66
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